white tail tang

  1. J

    Tang aggression?

    I have a Red Sea 350 75g display 4ft long and 91 total volume. In the tank I have a 2” blue & yellow tang temporarily. My LFS has a 4” white tail bristle tang for a steal of a price ! ($150) My question is will the white tail 4” bully the yellow and blue tang 2” ? Or I should be fine ...
  2. jackalexander

    Removing Copper

    I have two tangs that have gone through their 30 day copper treatment and are ready to be moved into the main display. Do I have to remove the copper in the quarantine (2.23) before adding them to the display or can I start the acclimation process without removing the copper?
  3. polyppal

    Build Thread .

  4. FangsAndGames

    EMERGENCY White tail tang feeling unwell.

    Hello everyone I’ll go through this in as much detail as I can. I have a softie reef tank with 11 fish in a 125 gallon. I’ve noticed my white tail tangs color slowly fade over the past week and a half. Instead of swimming normally he prefers to hide in the rock unmoving and comes out mainly to...
  5. polyppal

    Build Thread .
