white spot

  1. Hannahmunt

    What are these white spots?

    I’ve had my green chromis a couple of days, all been fine. But today I noticed all of them have these small white spots on their fins and tails… I'm not to sure what this is? have attached pictures.
  2. C

    White spot on favites?

    Hello all! New to the hobby! Is this white spot/substance coming out of my favites something I should be concerned about? It is located at the bottom of my tank in low to medium flow and medium lighting. Thanks for your help!
  3. S

    EMERGENCY Is this white spot on my fox face ?

    hello. I have just noticed a small what appears white spot on my fox face. it is very small and appears to be more of a dimple in some photos than a raised lump. for defence I have a yellow and purple tang in the tank as well. Not sure if the tangs tail spine could’ve done then dimple ? here...
  4. S

    Can anyone I.D. this disease please

    what do you think these white marks/spots are? He also has some very small black spots, only his tail is effected. The other fish seem fine. Also can you suggest a treatment please. He is currently in quarantine with two peacock wrasse and a yellow tang.
  5. S

    Indian mud eel spots???

    My Indian mud eel has these white spots randomly on it now??? They weren’t there earlier today but i just noticed them. Could it have been stung by an anemone? It’s acting normal and it ate earlier but I’m not sure what’s going on.
  6. gobber

    White spot. Probably not ich

    Hi I did QT-ed my clownfish for 28 days with 0.5 cupramine as instructed. Unfortunately , he has white spots (1 on each side of his gills) Its symmetrical and its possibly not ich? He was in the QT with 3 other fish (wrasse, chromis, fire goby) put in at the same time. Other 3 is completely...
  7. leotigris

    Six Line Wrasse with white spot?

    I recently got a six line wrasse and made the school boy error of not having a QT tank. Shortly after adding him I noticed a white spot near his tail. I must have missed this earlier, as it’s just above the peacock feather like pattern on his tail. At first I thought it was part of his...
  8. fozzer

    White spot on clownfish ?

    Hey all I’ve just noticed a white spot on one of my clowns and am not sure if it is white spot or it has had a nip of a hermet crab , be great to get your input ...
  9. T

    Help with diagnosing a clownfish

    So, I bought my first pair of clownfish from an LFS I've frequented for a while now. The first day I put them in I noticed some white spots on the male clownfish, about seven on one side and two on the other (one looks like a sore). Other than that he's been quite active and eating, but noticed...
  10. 3

    Single white spot on clown fish

    I know this isn’t the greatest photo but Pennywise the clown fish is very active so it was hard to take a decent photo. He has a little white spot near his tail and I was wondering what it could be. Like I mentioned, he’s very active, comes to the side of the tank when I’m there to feed them...
  11. 3

    Confirming Emerald Crab (also what’s this black/white hole in the claw?)

    We bought this “emerald crab” today and just want to confirm whether or not it is actually an emerald crab because it is not green like most of the pictures online. We were thinking that maybe perhaps because it is juvenile that it hasn’t turned green yet. Also when we got home we realized that...
  12. leejoohoonie

    potential ich treatment? (need some second opinions)

    Hello Reef2reef community! I wanted to start a thread pertaining to a research paper that I found online about C.irritans and a potential treatment option. Here is a link to the document -> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6344632/pdf/AEM.01982-18.pdf In their abstract, they...
  13. M

    Ocellaris Clown developing white edges on tail fin! HELP

    Hello, My clown started developing white edges on its tail fin 2 weeks ago. I cant tell if this is a disease or if clowns develop new patterns. I only have the clown and two turbo snails in a 30 gallon tank. All my parameters are where they need to be and I do weekly 15% water changes. Ive had...
  14. reefmasterdomi

    White spots on Discosoma Mushroom

    Hi, I recently picked up some corals off a friend and this random mushroom was closed and tucked on the back on the rock. He came loose and floated around until i caught him & put him into my loose mushroom cup. he eventually attached to a rock. Now that he’s open I got a semi decent picture of...
  15. psumms

    Treating Blue Cheek Goby with white spot ick

    I noticed two white spots on my Blue Cheek Goby approx. three weeks ago - he's doing fine, no further spots have developed and no other livestock show signs. Would love to get him out to treat and quarantine but catching him is near impossible with my size of tank. What is the current recommend...
  16. N11morales

    Hammer white spots

    Hello yesterday one if the heads had a small white dot. Didn’t think it could be anything. I’m new to Euphyllia so I’m not sure if this is normal. Today I looked the white spot is bigger and another spot popped up on another head. What is this??
  17. LonitzCMU

    Help! White spot on Chromis head

    Hey all, Pretty new here and just noticed today this white spot on our Chromis' head. I just added a bubble tip anemone today, is it possible it is a sting? or something else? Tank is relatively new, water parameters have all been consistent as we've added fish. He has been in the tank for about...
  18. Xxflounderxx

    Cbb white tips on fins

    Hello, This is my first post I have a cbb for one month in qt. He has no problem eating. Day one was a full dose of cupramine .58 and prazi for 2 weeks. Then a water change making sure the copper didn't drop. Water temperature 80 degrees. There looks like white spots or sores on the scales to...
  19. F

    White spots on tail of Copperbanded butterfly

    Any ideas of what this may be? He doesn't appear to be sick, he's a finicky eater but is demolishing all Majano anemone.
  20. Seth Francis

    White Spot on Eyeball?

    So I have a coral beauty that has recently grown this white spot on its eye. I couldn’t get any pics to show well so I took a video. Also, I recently put a fire shrimp in and the angel is OBSESSED with it! It is constant swimming into the shrimp begging for some attention. Is this stressful to...
  21. M

    Lympho on yellow tang?

    Hi guys I'm relatively new to the hobby and that's my first thread here... looking for some help to identify what is on with my Yellow Tang. Since a week I had my baby Yellow Tang that is about 2 inches now, I noticed a little whiteish spot on his dorsal fin. A month has passed now, and it...
  22. Gator2019

    Tomini tang white on nose.

    I have had this tomini for about a month now and he is an absolute pig. When I got up this morning I noticed he had a white spot on his nose. It kinda looks like he scrapped on a rock maybe. I added a foxface last night and the tomini has been pretty interested in him, so could them chasing...