white dot

  1. D

    What is this on my Hammer Coral

    Hi everyone. Noob reefer here again lol. Can anyone identify what the heck this stuff is on my hammer coral. I read somewhere it can be the start of new growth, but also read it could be a parasite. So here I am clueless. Pictures are the best I can do. My clown tried to sneak in it wanted the...
  2. A

    White dot appeared on clownfish face

    Hi, I just reintroduced my clownfish to my display tank after a 3 month QT period. After a day he developed a sort of white fuzzy patch on his white band. Today I noticed a single white dot on his face. Since the DT was fallow for 3 months, and he was in QT for 3 months I am wondering if this is...
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