white blotch

  1. Macey40060

    EMERGENCY Gem Tang has large white patch on underside HELP

    This is my first post here and I wanted to see if anyone can help diagnose this? I have attached pictures of the issue. I tried searching for something similar but could not come up with anything so I am posting here! All parameters are normal and specific gravity is kept at 1.026. Any help is...
  2. Herides

    Trachyphillia Dying? Flesh turning brown and white and decaying?

    This is the current state of one side of my poor trachy. I got him about 2 weeks ago and on the day after successfully acclimating, inflated like a balloon, ever since though he's been pretty tight to his skeleton, and now it's gotten so bad I think I can see skeleton and I'm seeking help. I've...
  3. E

    White creature growing on Blasto

    Hey guys, I've noticed these white things growing on my Blasto frag when he closes up to eat. He's otherwise really healthy and appears to be growing. I wasn't sure if these were sweeper tentacles and a natural part of the Blasto? I'm about to upgrade my 30gal to an 80gal and want to make sure...
  4. S

    Foxface White Abobe eye?

    Hello everyone This forum has been of more help to me then I’ll never be able to explain. However, I’ve encountered a problem for which I can’t seem to find a solution. This morning I woke up and my Foxface (my favourite fish...) has a white mark on his side and above his eye. He has had...