
  1. J

    Curvy White Object Identification Request

    Hello, Just noticed this today. Any idea what this could be? Should I remove asap? Total size is about 2in wide 2in tall. Thanks
  2. Scaggs1117

    What is the best light spectrum percentage?!

    I have a Hipargero 100w 5 channel spectrum light for my aqueon standard 29 tank so it’s 18 inch tall the tank. I have mixed corals, torch, hammer, birdsnest, zoa, acan, gsp, Duncan… when I set up the light schedule, for the full ramp portion, I can choose the percentage of each color spectrum...
  3. N

    Sponge ok to have?

    I just noticed these sponge like things pop out and didn’t think anything of it, but since I’m having dwarf seahorses/very sensitive fish in this tank idk if I should keep or get rid of them theyre white tentacles
  4. kywill

    White Mound on Live Rock

    This white translucent mound popped up overnight. Tank is well established, without any major issues for the past 2 years. Any ideas? It seems rigid and sprouted from one tiny stem like branch. There has been no change in size over the past week.
  5. G

    What are these white & black worm-like things?

    Have had these in my tank for a little while now and haven't been able to figure out what they are for sure. They're white and black stripped and like to collect around this coral and I'm not sure if they're benign or something I should be removing. Here's an image, please ignore the turf algae...
  6. R

    Tang open wound treatment

    Hello all, Hoping to get some advice. Just received an order of fish that included an Algae blenny, Tomini tang and a few other smaller fish Everyone has been in a quarantine tank for 3 days so far. Just noticed a wound on the tomini tang and not sure if this could be uronima or a bite from...
  7. N

    Fish ID help

    Hi all, I purchased a new fish yesterday, thinking it was a 6-line wrasse. It is not. Any help on the ID would be appreciated! White body with lateral black lines, 3 per side. Dorsal fin also has black lateral line. Some black spots at rear coming from the lowest black line. Head and neck...
  8. psumms

    White (yellow) tang spotted in Hawaii (video)

    How rare are white tangs? Video from a snorkel off west coast of big island Hawaii yesterday, filmed just as I was getting out in the shallows - completely white ‘yellow’ tang with slight yellow tinge to fins, swimming alongside its true yellow family!
  9. chemicals

    Starry blenny turns white and breathing fast everytime after eating

    Hi, I’ve noticed that my starry blenny turns white everytime after he eats. Besides that he seems fine, been in the tank for 6 months. He eats like a pig but everytime after feeding he seems in distress. He starts breathing very fast and turns completely white for like 30 sec to a min. After...
  10. Fishphi784

    North Carolina Aquariums Sumps Drygoods Red Sea Reefer 300XL PRICE DROP

    For sale is a Reefer 300XL including the tank, sump, and cabinet. Also have a DC controllable return pump I can include for another $50. The system is in very good condition. Price is 1200. Local pick-up only. I also have another post with other equipment that was running on the tank here...
  11. Dad2Wyatt

    What is floating in my water column?

    every night around this time(a couple hours after my whites shut off) my clownfish starts going crazy. Swimming fast back and forth in the tank and looking like he is eating. I sometimes have micro bubbles when I need to top off my tank so I just assumed this was always the case. Well tonight...
  12. S

    Is he gone?

    My Galaxia just recently started looking like this. Is it a definite goner?
  13. M

    Identifaction help

    Hi. This is my first post on reef2reef. I normally browse but never contribute. Iv just discovered a white substance which looks gooey behind some of my live rock. I spend quite a bit of time admiring my tank so I feel its appeared quite quick. Everything else in my tank seems fine. All my soft...
  14. Petrichor

    Red Macro Algae Turning White

    I recently downgraded my tank and after a few months I've noticed that my red sea lettuce (?) has not colored up since the move. It appears to be slowly growing, but very pale. My dragons' breath algae is doing well and I've had it for less time. I assume the change may be because of the new...
  15. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Goby White poop with microscope pics. Anything harmful?

    Here is the goby's poop and the microscope pics show the white part of it. Can't believe he pooped all this out at once... (Vid at bottom) 1. 2. 3. 4. (Video) filmed at 100x and 400x https://youtube.com/shorts/vmXGkAn8VaE?feature=share
  16. Lxnza

    White worms on the glass and floating around

    Hello! Since some days ago I’ve noticed that there are some of this thin white worms attached to the glass, sometimes they hide on the sand and when they’re near the water flow they unnatach and float around the water in a crawled position. I leave a video and some photos to see if anyone knows...
  17. ChefReeferThomas

    What are these little guys?

    I have a swarm of free swimming little white bugs in my tank and it’s tripping me out. They look like little white shrimp but hang upside down like mosquito larvae. Are they some type of pod? Or do I have a problem?
  18. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Clams showing up in tank?

    Umm...So I went to clean my skimmer sponge(outlet) the other day and noticed 2 or 3 small white clams. Does this mean something? Should I fix something? Or am I ok? They are white and about 1/4" wide. Tank is a almost 2 months old.
  19. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Nicrew 32W led light settings?

    Currently I have 2 of these 32W Nicrew marine led lights on a 125. Trying to encourage the growth of coralline that came on one of my snails. If anyone could tell me a good setting for blue and white lights I would appreciate it. Currently have it set to 40 Blue 50 White. But had it set to 85...
  20. Isolated Reef

    Bristletooth Tang Health Rapidly Declining

    Hey all, I’m getting desperate for some answers as my bristletooth tomini tangs health seems to be on a rapid decline. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed a white patch forming on the tang and it looked almost like the consistency of cotton. It started off small and after some research, it seemed to be...
  21. shartpants007

    Anyone know what species this hermit crab is?

    Accidentally got this guy in with a few blue legged hermit crabs I bought a few weeks ago. I've tried to look up what species he is, but no luck. He seems to have vertically striped black and white legs, with horizontal white stripes at the joints. His claws look the same size, though he's so...
  22. M

    White stringy thing?

    Hi there- When I got home today, this was in the corner of my tank. Cany anyone tell me what it is?
  23. Kacor13

    White Little Hair Like Growth on Rock

    anyone know if this is good or bad. See hairy thing on left side. That’s the longest one / most noticeable in a picture. The rest are really small and more noticeable in a video. I’ve had my tank for about 1.5 months.
  24. D

    EMERGENCY Red montipora dying

    I recently acquired a red montipora from my friend one week ago. All of the sudden it appears the tissue is falling off. Within eight hours it is halfway gone. All of my water parameters are in line and the only thing I can think of is possibly my lighting may be stronger than my friends. I...
  25. D

    Hello Red montipora flesh falling off

    I recently acquired a red montipora from a friend exactly one week ago and all of the sudden, the tissue appears to be falling off. Within about six hours it is almost all white. All of my water parameters are in line and the only thing I can think of is my lighting may be different and/or...