whats this

  1. 268762CE-D673-478F-AAEC-1159D90EA316.jpeg


    Some cool acro
  2. 6E63AB6E-035B-44CB-AFD8-99C7E393AE20.jpeg


    Some kinda cool acro nub
  3. Foggy Pirate

    What’s this? Worm kinda thing

    I have a 14 month old tank. Haven’t had any pests in the tank ever found my first unknown creature I moved a rock and he was in the sand both are wiggling even tho I only saw one in the tank, maybe I cut him in half when I suckef him out idk. What y’all think. Also I haven’t put anything new in...
  4. Foggy Pirate

    What’s the nassaruis snail leaving along the glass?

    Hey y’all so I have 2 nassarius snails. They hang in the sand mostly but every so often they will zip around the glass before either eating or just burrying themselves. However this snail Has been in the corner of the tank all day and has left these werid feather like markings along the glass. I...
  5. ChefReeferThomas

    Can I get some ID help?

    Started noticing these little hair lookin guys in spots on my rock, wondering what they could be? Hydroids maybe?
  6. Afkomjorgen

    What is this on new frag?

    Hey, I just got a new frag ( very excited! Getting my first sps corals) I noticed that it had something on the side of it Lfs said detritus It’s crusty and hard feeling but broke up quite a bit in the Dip Any ideas if it’s an issue? Sorry I couldn’t get better photos