
  1. TbSaysNo

    Anyone able to ID these corals?

  2. D

    What is this?

  3. M

    Duncan Coral? Or something else?

    I friend gave me a mat of pink clove polyp which I put over a piece of rock. When I relocated the mat of clove polyps to a different tank I noticed something that I didn’t see before. Not sure what it is, almost looks like a small Duncan coral ? Really hard to grab a good shot
  4. Twalker791

    What is this? Feather duster maybe?

    Hello! I bought some dry live rock and am in the process of fishless-cycling my tank. Today I just noticed this little guy and can’t quite seem to figure out what it is. A feather duster of some kind maybe? Hopefully nothing bad!! Thanks!
  5. C

    Fluval EVO 13.5 questions! I need HELP!

    Hey everyone, I have several questions currently about my tank. I'll post specs first before my questions/issues... Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5 gallon Lighting: stock light- 11000K LED. Very Very white light :(. I try to run my blue light from 0700-0-1000, and then full lights from 1000-1900 and then...
Tank Stop