
  1. Savior_of_Gotham

    What hose or tubing would be best for distance?

    Hey all, I need some help deciding what tubing to use for someone who has about 150ft of travel distance from their water tank reservoir to their larger aquarium. It's about 140ish feet horizontally and then has a head height of 6.5ft vertically. It would just be for water changes with prepared...
  2. Troy-Head1

    I'm New What Should I Do

    I have a 90 gallon tank. I'm still in the process of building do you have any tips for me. I'm upgrading the sump to a Crystal Sump 30 - Trigger System.
  3. Twalker791

    Ammonia dosing- keep dosing or stop? So many questions!

    Ok so I am doing a fishless cycle in my new 37 gallon FOWLR tank. I have aragonite sand and dry live rock in the tank, and 4 days ago I added a bottle of Bio-Spira. I got pure ammonia (Ace Hardware janitorial brand as suggested) and started dosing. Day one I dosed it to 4 ppm. The next day the...
  4. whisenhunt

    BioCube Refuge and Canister filter

    recently picked up a nice canister filter for cheaper then it should have been couldn't pass it up , Now my question is can I turn the back of my biocube into a large refugium taking out all the media just running rubble rock or mud and a lot of chato and other moss. Then running all my media in...
Top Shelf Aquatics