what is this thing

  1. BoBiddly

    Odd, tiny Star like creature on my glass - what is it?

    I was cleaning my glass and noticed an abundance of these small Star like critters on my glass. They’re tiny - like a thin point to a lead pencil. To my eye they look like 4 pointed or Star shaped, but my phone was able to take a pretty detailed photo. Here are two different ones. ‍♂️ curious...
  2. C

    What is this?

    I have a 10 gallon reef tank and i have this new fellow and i don’t know wat they are. i got it first from some algee and i thought it was sand or soemthing and then it started to grow in size from an inch to maybe half an inch.
  3. C

    EMERGENCY What kind of sponge is this?

    So I thought this was hard but it turns out it’s not not hard so i’m guessing sponge? What kind is this??? It just started growing in my tank randomly and I have no idea what it is
  4. C

    EMERGENCY What is this?

    So I’ve been trying to figure out what this is and I can’t figure it out! It just started growing in my tank one day and now it’s huge. I thought it was soft but it’s hard! Anyone know what it is?
  5. Thomas GRANT Quinlan

    WHAT IS THIS????/

    HELLO, I was cleaning my tank and this came out of my power head lol. I have no idea how it got there or what it is....please help lol.
  6. M

    Eggs... what the heck are they?!

    Hey guys, pretty new to reefing but I have an Semi established tank, I think it’s been like 4-5 months since I started with Tampa Bay live rock. But I looked at the glass today and saw something hatching? I didn’t see these eggs yesterday or last night but there seems to be little “sprouts”...
  7. Darkartist

    Brown blade of grass lol.

    Notice 2 of these on my rock.
  8. Darkartist

    Hundreds of white dots?

    Started getting these all over glass. Any ideas?
  9. Moonfruit777

    What are those antennas? (Setosa)

    Hello, a friend of mine has a setosa and would like to know about these little antennas sticking out of the coral. They move in the flow and retract on contact, like a feather duster. Are they any reason to be concerned or to dip the coral? Could they cause the polyps to not extend fully...
  10. Seth Francis

    Identify, if you can!

    So I picked up this neat little coral about 2 months ago. I was told that it was a “finger leather”, but I really don’t believe this is true. When I first got it in my QT it opened up and was a beautiful blackish- purplish- peachy color with a main stem and branch pattern. After 2 weeks in QT I...
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