what is this?

  1. S

    Unknown creature

    I seem to have a few of these in my tank and when I get near them they close up very quickly. What are they and any idea how I get rid of? Thank you.
  2. SaltyShel

    Bacteria bloom?

    [Little bit of info/background]: I had this 16g tank running, empty, for months. It never had lights on, only sunlight, and I thought it was cycled based on the ammonia/nitrate being none or low. A couple weeks ago my poor clown was dying and I tried to save him, so I put him in this tank (the...
  3. SaltyShel

    Worm or snail poop??

    Hey so I moved my snail (I think it’s a turbo) and hermit crab from my other tank into this one. I didn’t do an official QT, I just scrubbed the shells really well in a bowl of new + old tank water and then once really clean I dunked them separately in a new dish of RODI. I thought that would be...
  4. BuCuTao

    Do you know what type of coral this is?

    Hello Everybody! Happy Saturday! I hope this is the right section to post in. I recently bought this frag a couple months back from my LFS and they did not know what type of coral this is. The owner who is extremely knowledgable of the LFS is usually out when I happen to visit and the employee...
  5. agame2021

    Mysterious growth on 1 rock in my 150 gallon

    Alright so this tank has been running since July 4th, 2021. I don’t have sand in it because I am going to be moving this tank in the next 2 months and I figured I wouldn’t want to run it with sand to try and clean it all out just to put it all back in there(I know big mistake!!! Never starting a...
  6. Lady of Babylon

    Lots of fun and interesting things!

    I am wanting positive identification on several different creatures currently in my tank… mostly because I want to know what they are and where they are endemic to. I am building about as close to a Hawaiian Ridgeline/ central indo-pacific ecosystem with all sorts of life that’s habitat/ or has...
  7. ReefRusty

    What is this on my sandbed?

    So I may had put my foot in it when I said I've yet to get any form of algae. But can anyone tell me what this is and would a blackout reduce this? Only on the sandbed, brown sand almost. Guessing its the beginning of the ugly stage? Running LIGHT with all blues,UV on 100% and 5% on whites...
  8. The1HunnT

    Weird *very* large copepods and short white worms that don’t look like planaria to me.

    As the subject said, I was using my scrubbing magnet which had gone unused for a few weeks as we didn’t have much algae and when I opened the magnet the scrubber side in the tank had several dozen “water insects” for lack of a better word. They were NOT crushed by using it to clean algae off of...
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