what is it

  1. K

    Can anyone ID this

    I have these white filaments all over the tank. Also have a vermetid outbreak that I am treating with bumblebee snails and manual removal. Alk is 10.5, salinity 1.025, phosphates, nitrates and pH are I in normal limits. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. Reef_Tanks

    What is this?

    What are these saw it on my Zoa then on a different rock plz help
  3. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY What is this?????

    Don’t know what these are but found one growing on a rock and one growing on a Zoa Plz let me know what they are and if I should remove thx
  4. ASmith0914

    What is this?

    We found this on a piece of live rock this morning. I added some snails and hermit crabs yesterday. The second picture was taken after one of the crabs turned it over.
  5. dbati

    Anemone? Coral? What is this?

    I noticed this brown coral looking thing on one of my live rock the day after the dust settled when I first set up the tank. A couple of months have passed and it has not shrunk or grown. Can anyone help identify what it may be?
  6. wil8011

    Need help identifying...

    I appreciate you guys taking a look. Wish I had better pics or a microscope to help identify. Whatever this is it keeps hanging around. Mainly on the back wall (poly), wave maker, and the return nozzles. But it has been attaching/growing on my Stylos, Birdsnest and other hard corals. Causing the...
  7. Lady of Babylon

    NOT a bristle worm… but what IS it?!?

    Saw this while feeding my invert heavy tank. It is most definitely NOT a bristle worm… I have several of those in my tank and know them fairly well. This guy has a face that reminds me of a coolie loach… i think it’s been in my tank for at least 8 months. It seems to be more of a rock dweller...
  8. SeaMaiden92

    Clear tentacles coming out of my coral?

    I just noticed two little clear tentacles coming out of the base of one of my corals. They are kind of thick and have darker tips. Are they sweeper tentacles? I was under the impression that they would only come out at night. Also, they sway around with the current, if that helps. Thanks for the...
  9. kels64

    Unknown creature, sponge, or coral?

    I found these two little fellas at my local pet store and they were so pretty and fluffy and pink I brought them home and put them in my reef tank. They are growing like crazy and I have no idea what they are. I’m including pictures from front and side and hopefully you guys can help me out...
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