what are your thoughts?

  1. Meista_Flya

    Keeping it simple? Going more complex ? what say you?

    Ever since getting back into the Hobbie a few years back I've debated on how simple to keep my aquarium set up. Due to the fact that I travel for work, a neptune apex system was a must for me in my Hobby. I've since added and subtracted numerous of reactors and components to make my aquarium...
  2. Baebae

    Nano Build Just a quick update since June...

    Hello from Texas, everyone! I just wanted to do a bit of an update post since a lot has happened since the last few times I've posted lol. If anyone has any advise for me, it eould be much appreciated! Idk if this will take very long or not but here we go! So I started reefing in May of this...