what are these?

  1. AMarch

    What is this? White curly eggs or worms?

    Need help identify what this is. Is it some type of worms or possibly eggs? Harmful? What should I do to get rid of it? They are curly white and more with the water flow.
  2. F

    What are these eggs

    Hey all, Not sure if this specific matter belongs in here, but I need an Egg ID. Came back from work to see a stringy white substance covered in eggs coming out from the zoas right near where my Damselfish and Clownfish live/host the anenome. Just wanted to see if anyone could tell me what they...
  3. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY What is this?????

    Don’t know what these are but found one growing on a rock and one growing on a Zoa Plz let me know what they are and if I should remove thx
  4. B

    Trochus Hitchikers

    Hello, First time poster here. I'm having trouble identifying a hitchhiker that just showed up on my trochus snail within the past week. No new additions to the tank in a month which is part of my confusion. See attached photo but they look like white fuzzy cones. Any clue what this could be?
  5. B

    Can someone tell me what these are?

    Hello everyone, I’ve seen these little white critters all over my system and they are EVERYWHERE. I want to think they’re a type of copepod but I’m not entirely certain. I tried my best to get a good picture. Thanks for any identification!
  6. Reefs_r_salty

    Heyy guys, zoa id???

    What zoas are these?? Been trying to find out!
  7. tattedupabe

    Help with my Acro ID???

    Picked up a new acro at the lfs they didn’t know the name of it, anyone can help me ID it?
  8. LAA

    What are these on my hammer coral?

    Hello everyone! just thought I’d start with water parameters…. They are all good. I have noticed these little lumps on my hammer coral and over the last week they have grown bigger and began to grow what look like small tentacles. Are these new heads growing?!
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