what am i doing wrong

  1. lucyretz

    help me figure out why my corals arent happy

    Hi all, Once again i find myself running out of knowledge. My euphyllia corals arent opening fully and I cant figure out why. PARAMETERS: ALK: 8.78 (trident) CAL: 544 MAG: 1407 ORP:200 PH: 7.84 SALT: 35.10 TEMP:77.3 NITRATE: 10.01 (HANNA) PHOS: 0.15 (HANNA) System: 2 Ai primes running david...
  2. L

    Took out every single rock in a 220g... now this?

    Hey all, Battling gha for months and months. Finally removed every single rock in my 220g, scrubbed and scrubbed and rinsed and rises and did a 100 gallon water change. Replaced in my tank yesterday. Now fine reddish/brown dusting/stringy hairs on the rocks. What is this? Dinos? What should I...
  3. M

    EMERGENCY What’s wrong with my clowns

    So this morning I walked down stairs to find my all white clownfish swimming vertically and look like skin peeling and my other closing swimming fine with little skin peeling off not sure if one got sucked into my protein skimmer since it’s a hang on the back one of some one can please help me...
  4. Reefing_Engineer

    Dead fish investigation

    Hey, I started a reef tank and did lots of research on corals and I got caught lacking in my fish knowledge. I bought two clownfish around 1”, a black and regular oscilaris, and for some reason I have lost two of the black ones in around a day. The regular oscilaris has been doing great, I...
  5. M

    Build Thread MQG's Nano ( 1st time with salt)

    As many of us have had an interesting/ troubling start to 2020, we all deal with stress and hardship differently. I for one do what most people would never dream of, spend money, and find a challenging hobby to distract me from "reality". As far back as I can remember my father had kept...
Torch SALE