
  1. H

    Weird/fun brackish tank brainstorm

    I have no plans to build a brackish tank, but I heard a fun idea and wanted to expand on it. fish - a pair of Betta mahachaiensis - 4 brackish bumblebee gobies - 10 Psuedomugil signifer plants - mangroves - dwarf sagittaria - java fern inverts - aiptasia (yes, on purpose) - amono...
  2. B

    Is my YWG ok?

    My YWG did wonderful in QT and did what you'd expect from a watchman. But after moving to my main tank, two months ago he doesn't stay on the sandbed and will sometimes swim around the tank like crazy. I have really sensitive inverts thriving so is there something to be concerned about? See...
  3. Pelagikos

    WHAT IS THIS? White cloud at base of Zoas...

    I've been noticing this for a while, but today it seems to be almost overtaking the heads. My first thought was to try to blow it away (that is why the colony looks that way.) It doesn't budge. I'm assuming I need to improve my flow in that general area but first... I need to figure out what...
  4. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY What is this?????

    Don’t know what these are but found one growing on a rock and one growing on a Zoa Plz let me know what they are and if I should remove thx
  5. M

    What is this?

    Does anyone know what this is, I can’t find anything like it online.
  6. Cole_Voeller

    Weird growth on macro algae?

    Anyone able to identify this weird looking thing?
  7. Cole_Voeller

    Weird bulbousy thing on macro algae?

    Anyone able to identify this weird thing growing on macro algae? (It’s not letting me add a picture so I’ll add it in a comment)
  8. Jsscahd

    Weird Worms

    Sooo I haven't been able to conclusively figure out what this is, answers have varied widely. What are these things? Hasn't harmed anything yet and I thought it was just a type of algae, but last night I saw a worm poking out of the rock near it. It seemed to be searching for something, poking...
  9. C

    Anyone else’s fish refuse to eat mysis that’s been sitting in water for a few hours?

    Idk why but if I let my mysis thaw in some saltwater for a few hours, then try to feed the fish, they spit it out and won’t eat half of it. If I just let it air thaw, they love it. Anyone else have this?
  10. W

    Frogspawn has bubble?

    I just noticed my frogspawn has one large bubble. I've never seen this before. Should I be concerned? Thanks! Wayne
  11. at11ok

    Something weird is going on?

    Hey so I have an angel fish that is now green and I have no idea why. It’s not acting any different it’s just green now does anyone have any idea what would cause this and if it’s bad? If so what can I do to help it?
  12. WheatToast

    Strange Spiked Growths

    I have absolutely no clue what these things are. They came on some LFS live rock, which I believe originated from the Indo-Pacific. They have no holes, feel quite tough, do not bend, and have small “tufts” on their spikes. They also do not appear to have grown since I introduced them a few weeks...
  13. Idaknow15

    Strange mark on frogspawn stalk

    Frogspawn coral looks happy enough but I noticed this strange pinkish with white outer mark on the stalk this morning. Just wondering if it’s anything anyone had ever seen before and if it is something I should be concerned about?
  14. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Cerith Snail Mating?

    So, I've just come across something weird today. So at the beginning of the day I see a cerith snail riding on top of another cerith snail. Just now, I saw it again...This time on the front glass just before I went to turn my room lights off for bed. Just wondering, are they fighting? My...
  15. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Worm with 2 tentacles?

    Found this 10 mins ago. There are a bunch of them. Seems like when the lights go out, they come out. Are they good or bad. Also, what do they eat and what is it? What do they do?
  16. P

    Never seen a post about this in my 5 months of reef keeping

    Unsure what this thing is growing on my zoa. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Aegis19

    Weird growing green star polyp

    So I have a green star polyp and I can’t tell if this is normal? Or if it got damaged it looks super healthy and I have had it for almost a year if anyone has input that would be awesome. It seems like the circled area is longer and or like puffy looking.
  18. DcoarM

    Chocolate Tang Acting Odd

    Anyone ever had a fish swim up and down against the glass all day? At first I thought he was seeing his reflection so I covered up the glass and he went away for the day. Woke up this morning and he is doing the same thing. Any ideas? I don't want to stress him out.
  19. T

    Corraline algae question

    Girlfriend commented on it so figured I’d post it here. The corraline on my back glass is almost a straight line. Except in the middle, where oddly enough my HOB protein skimmer was. So it would be getting almost no light. And the sides. Directly under both drains.
  20. F

    Super weird worm that swims really quickly

    Hi guys, I have this super weird worm ive finally managed to catch. Its white and seems to swim really fast by wiggling quickly. Its superweird and havent seen anything like it Getting a good photo is hard since its never still. Anyone have an idea what this could be??
  21. B

    Something i didnt know was possible

    Just curious is anyone else has seen this or can shed some light on it. A while back I picked up an atlantic blue tang that was going through transition (blue body, yellow tail). While in qt the tang reverted back to its juvenile colors and has shown no sign of transitioning. Fish is healthy no...
  22. Eve

    Weird Relationship?

    Hi guys, Have you ever had a weird relationship going on in your tank? So I have two clownfish and these two were always together, they had been together for 1 year, but after I added a foxface Rabbitfish it seems like they don’t want to be together anymore. Instead one of them is always next...
  23. Cole nelson

    Weird growth

    So I have an all coral tank as of right now and out of the blue I noticed a strange growth behind my frogspawn. I don’t know weather this is dangerous or if it is some sort of coral. It is colored purple/blue with orange dots
  24. ethanbear111

    Weird purple brown anemone

    I found this weird anemone with a brown foot/stem and purplish blue tipped tentacles. It was on some Indonesia ocean cultures live rock. The rock has been there for about four days and when I looked at the anemone earlier it was small, just now it became bigger. A smaller one
  25. nightmarepl

    What is this weird pink blob on my rocks and coral

    hey guys I’ve been having a few issues with my tank these last few weeks I’ve noticed i have some weird pink blob on my rocks here and there mostly every rock has atleast one now i noticed it on my hammer head corals stems i have some pictures of i poked out with my tweezers but they basically...
Reef Breeders