
  1. R

    Custom tank

    I’m looking to see if anyone near Charleston South Carolina builds custom tanks I’m looking to build a 72x32/36x16 with an external overflow The external overflow I’m looking to design is different then what we normally see and wondering if my idea is possible I want the entire tank to be...
  2. K

    Filtration Media in Weir

    Hi Guys I am setting up a new tank (first in a good few years - 135g dt, 40g sump) and would like to know your thoughts on weirs. So the tank I have now is a Herbie style with a lower standpipe as the main drain (raised to about about 10 inches above the bottom of the tank) and a durso style as...
  3. Reefacist

    After months of research need HELP setting up my first 120 gallon saltwater tank

    Hi You ALL, I have been reading, watching youtube vids, reading more, watching more videos, day and night, home and at work. Pretty much the last 3 months i have been all about saltwater fish tanks. At first i was looking at buying a 50 gallon tank bc i read that its the best beginner tank...
  4. sg88

    Ideal Overflow Water Level

    Please help with overflow water level... Starting to plumb my new 50 gallon cube (my first sump system tank). The emergency drain height (Herbie-style overflow), as it came pre-cut with my SCA aquarium system would put the overflow water level at 4” below the bottom of the weir slits. Is this...
  5. DirtDiggler2823

    Bottom drilling vs back drilling

    My tank is a strange AIO setup that poses some interesting situations as far as how to drill and plumb it. I was going to go with an overflow box, and drill the back glass, but then i got to thinking that i could use the existing weir and filter space built into the tank, and drill into that...
  6. Pelagic One

    24-inch CPR Retrofit Overflow Box with Lid

    Selling a 24-inch CPR Retrofit Overflow Box with Lid (full four-sided, acrylic box with molded weir) - New In Box from BRS - No Damage to Box - Bulkheads Included (qty 3 - 1” Bulkheads with gaskets) BRS Part Numbers RSS24DX - (Up to 1600 gallons per hour) RSS24 - EXTRA LARGE LID BRS lists...
  7. hansoloNZ

    Coast to coast weir questions

    Hi all. I'm keen to set up a gravity fed pvc pipe coast to coast weir overflow for my new 250litre tank. (very similar to the setup in this video: ). I have a couple of questions and any comments will be hugely helpful. 1. Will 25mm (1inch) pipe and bulkheads be sufficient if l have a 1...
Geo's Reef