
  1. road102

    What is this "aquatic web"??

    Hello! Any ideas about what this could be? manual removal doesn't help much, it keeps coming over and over again... Looks like a web to me, or some sort of slime/mucus coming out from a critter, or maybe something from the mushrooms themselves? Thanks
  2. tailoftwogobies

    weird mucus mat.. see photos

    hi again yall! weird mucusy, matted web looking stuff in a low flow low light area in our tank.. been around for a little while, doesn’t seem to be bothering anything but it’s ugly & we are curious if we should remove this or leave it alone.. it’s somewhat like an algae growing.. fish, cuc, etc...
  3. S

    Can anyone ID this cobweb like thing?

    So today a cobweb like fluff has appeared I am unsure whether it is good or bad. I have trochus snails which have bred before which is a possibility. I have a pair of clowns, lawnmower blenny and Diamondback goby. I did have a big conch and nassarus snails but they never come out I don't know if...
  4. W

    Seneye Web Server PAR Reef Monitor

    Seneye Web Server and Seneye Reef Monitor. These were being used on a tank I purchased as a package; however, I do not need this. I know nothing about the Seneye, but I've read a lot of good things. I've never used it or tested it, but I assume it works since it was connected to the tank...