
  1. ReefBouquet

    Do I need to do a TDS test on a brand spanking new RO DI system?

    Hello! Thanks for stopping by. This is my mandatory "dumb" beginner question :) I have just gotten my very first marine tank wet for the first time to do a leak test and she has passed with flying colors! Now, I need to make some more RO DI water for the cycle. I have quality salt ready to mix...
  2. Reef Kinetics

    Q&A Miamireefkepers and Reef Kinetics

    All you need to know about automatic water testing for your aquarium. Q&A with Rabih Krayem Co-Founder of Reef Kinetics will answer questions and share solutions on how the ReefBot can Monitor your aquarium by running tests periodically, analyzing them and sending you real-time updates via...
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