
  1. sarahsfishtanks

    Nano Build Waterbox 20 AIO

    Hey all! Sarah here, also known as Sarah's Fish Tanks on social media platforms (listed at bottom of thread). I figured I would use this thread to document my current Waterbox 20 setup. General: Tank: Waterbox 20 AIO - running since Feb 2024 Lights: Illumagic Pixel Reefer and Pixel Fragger...
  2. Coralogy_

    Build Thread Waterbox20 AIO

    Hello everyone! I've been an avid fish keeper for a long time, primarily on the freshwater side, but I'm excited to dive into the world of saltwater. I was inspired by a close friend who is in the hobby. Anytime I went to his place, I would stare at his tank the entire time, so I figured it's...
  3. Waterboxcube20

    Build Thread Waterbox 20 Build & Progress (Month 3)

    I've been reefing for around 7 years now, starting in the hobby when I was 17. My first reef was a fluval m60 which ended up being still one of my best tanks to date. This tank was upgraded to a red sea 170 which was also a success. I ended up taking some time out the hobby due to university...
  4. Coopdod50

    Nano Build Dorm Room Waterbox 20

    Hello everyone, I just setup my 3rd reef that I'm quite excited about. Originally I had a Cobalt Aquatics CVue40 in my dorm but after less than a semester I decided it was entirely too large for the room and a HUGE pain to transport back and forth home over long breaks since I live 3+ hours...