Found a chip in the bottom corner of my waterbox 35.1 x sump after buying it the other day. Unfortunately, I do not want to chance the risk of a leak as it will be on the second floor and carpet. Does anyone have any recommendations for a sump that would fit in a 16 x 16 space / have an idea as...
Hello fellow reefers!
I recently purchased a Waterbox aquarium and decided to make up a build thread. This will be my second tank but I want this to be my first "do it right" tank since my first one was filled with error and is quickly turning into an aiptasia haven... ;Sorry I am making this...
Hey, downgrading to a 20g and selling my 6 month old waterbox 35.1 tank. It is a beautiful set up and the highest quality money can buy. Selling the display, plumbing, and sump. No cabinet or light. Paid $1000 in April. asking $450. Pick up in the lower east side.