water quality

  1. R

    water quality

    In a few of my tanks the water quality values seem to have trouble getting over the hump from nitrite to nitrate is there any suggestions how to best assist with the nitrogen cycle process. They have been well established but have at times recently shown odd values such as high ammonia and low...
  2. P

    Tank appearance… advice, reassurance or encouragement

    Hi all Relatively new (couple of months) to the hobby and very new to this forum. I’ve been running my tank for a couple of months and have probably been dealing with all the things a new tank faces. I currently have a Fluval Evo and have got it to a place where, with a few fish and...
  3. T

    New Tank Water Is Brown! But No Signs Of An Algae Bloom. What Should I Do?

    Hey everyone, I’m pretty new to reefing and i’m eager to learn more. I just got this 30 gallon aquarium a little under a month ago, started the cycle with Dr. Tims one and only with ammonia and followed the instructions. It started really good, until now, or so I think. I seem to have some sort...
  4. JSkeleton

    How Good (Or Bad) Is My City Water? (City Water Quality Report)

    So in a continued effort to understand what's in my City Water and what poses a potential risk and would need to be filtered and treated for a tank (Fish Only With Inverts), I found my local plant water quality report, and am curious from others who have more knowledge than me, how good (or bad)...
  5. W

    Detritus or cyano

    Ok so my parameters are as follows…. Salinity 1.023 Alk 9.34 Cal 466 Phos .09 Ni 5 and I know that’s a little high Mag 1383 I just performed a 25% water change and added cheato two days ago but the brown dust is back, which I’m pretty sure is detritus? I have done 25% water changes and just...
  6. Jtleland

    Newby trying to get off to a good start

    Hi all! Newby here. I finished a "fishless cycle" then introduced a clown last week and turned on the lights. Water has been really clear all along, but today it has started to get cloudy. Any suggestions? water parameters: salinity 1.025, alkalinity 8.5, pH 8.0, temp 77.1, nitrates 20...
  7. Davar93

    Is it HLLE? Help

    Hey everyone! I got my hippo tang in Qt. It has these patches on him now. He didn’t have the one on his head till today, he’s been in copper, nitro, freshwater baths and methylene blue baths. Currently sitting in just saltwater for past 3 days. Is it HLLE? I will try get better pics later. The...
  8. chrisgold

    Water parameters

    Hello I am new to the hobby i have a fluval evo 13.5 it has been running for 7 weeks i was wondering what types of testing methods incan use for the water and what i am aiming for to grow sps ect? I have attached a few pics of my current tank.
  9. breefrost

    Maximum nitrate levels

    What is the maximum nitrate reading you know of where corals were kept successfully? What is the “breaking point” for the hardiest of corals? What corals are the most tolerant to high nitrates? Please input especially if you have large predatory fish! Thanks!
  10. KameronManning

    Water quality / parameters HELP

    Hey everyone! I need some helping solving some water quality issues my tank is starting to get noticeably cloudy. All of the data is below . Cheers! Parameters : Ammonia: .25 Nitrate: 10 ppm Ph: 8.0 Nitrite: 0 ppm Tank and Filtration: 20 gallon Marineland HOB FILTER 1 chemi pure elite...
  11. Manda0597

    Questions from Beginner Saltwater Hobbyist- Fish Only Tank- New to R2R

    Questions at the bottom, here are some tank stats: (If anything is wrong here don't crucify us, we are new and have done the best research we can) So we've had our tank since mid-February: 32.5 Gallon tank Canister filter good for up to 75 gallons 20ish pounds of liverock Fish- in order they...
  12. LEOreefer

    Let’s talk RODI

    Simple question, if a TDS meter is reading 0 on output source water , the membrane is 2.5 years old and the other filters are about 8-9 months old can harmful bacteria grow on those filters contaminating the water? Why should you change the filters even if tds is reading 0?
  13. LEOreefer

    Tank Help

    Hello All, Ive been having some issues with my tank, through ICP testing and regular testing I ruled out all obvious issues. Literally the only thing I havnt done was change out my RODO filters and membrane. I have a 6 stage RODI filter system 150 GPD from BRS. My TDS meter reads 0 and ill post...
  14. L

    Help with tank parameters/additives?

    Hi everyone, I just started tracking my tank's parameters more closely so I can identify what needs improving. (I dont have a ton of coral growth or color) My understanding of the interactions of elements is not perfect, and now after reading a ton of research- im overwhelmed by conflicting...
  15. B

    Tank crashed

    I started a thread in the emergency threads the other day. I just transferred all of the content/livestock from a friend's tank to my tank last week. All was well, but ammonia started to skyrocket. Well, pretty much everything is dead now. Deaths included the CUC, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 Skunk...
  16. S

    Water Testing & Quality

    So I am new and I am sure this question has been asked many times. Today I tested my water and everything looks good. Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0, Ph 8.2 and Alkalinity is at 10 dKh. My salinity is at 1.024. The problem is the nitrates. I measured a 20 ppm so I changed 30 gallons of water...
  17. MICU murse

    Bad h2o change

    i have a 55 gallon mixed tank that had been up and running for about 6 months or so w/o significant issue. I have been battling high nitrates, but everything (fish and coral) has seemed happy. In a foolish attempt to lower my nitrates I did about a 50% water change and it killed 5 snails, a...
  18. MICU murse

    NItrate reduction

    I have a 55 gallon tank with a 20 or so gallon sump. I have a protein skimmer rated for 120g tank, dragons breath macro algae, 2 4" filter socks I change twice weekly in addition to 20gallon water changes weekly. I have a moderate amount of rock and I also use xport bio and xport no3. I have...
  19. 1

    Need RODI Recommendations

    Hi, I am in need of a well priced RODI. I asked already in the New to SW section but I had no idea this category existed. If there's any deals/coupons currently going on out there I would love to know. Aiming for 4-5stage RODI that can handle silicates and chlorinates/chloramines. I really...
  20. 1

    RODI System recommendations?

    Hey Everyone, I am need of a RODI and I am not sure which one to pick. Looking for something that is priced just right that is well built. So far I have checked out KoolerMax AR-122, Spectrapure (not sure which model to settle on), and BRS Systems. Are there any other systems you would...
  21. ScubaSteve4Life

    Is this a good or cheap RO/DI system?

    I'm a novice with this hobby but have heard the importance of good water quality. So I decided to get a RO/DI system. I am on a tight budget and found this system on amazon : Aquarium Reef Reverse Osmosis water filter 6 stage RO/DI SYSTEM 75 GPD USA...
  22. alexytman

    NO2 AND NO3 rise

    I've been doing my cycle for a week or 2, a had a diatom bloom while back. I used LR etc. and live bacteria added to water. However, I noticed my Nitrite AND nitrate levels are rising at the same time. Is that normal? my LR ratio is 80% Live 20% dead I have some green algae growing few days...
  23. alexytman

    Water Quality and feather dusters

    I have feather dusters on my LR and they've opened up for a few days. Does that mean my water quality is good enough to house fish (damsel fish like clown fish, hardy things) and add CUC. Of course I'm going to do 10% water change b4 adding.