water conditioner

  1. R

    Water conditioner w/RODI water

    Does anyone still use a water conditioner like seachem prime in their RODI water? I’ve been using at a safety i case RODI doesn’t do a good job. Curious if I am causing more harm than good trying to be perfect. Appreciate anyones thoughts.
  2. Z

    Water conditioners and protein skimmers... Can I not use a RO/DI system?

    I've heard API Stress Coat and Seachem Prime aren't really compatible with protein skimmers. What would another option be other than getting a reverse osmosis filter? Are there any other chemicals that remove chlorine and other bad chemicals that won't mess with a protein skimmer?
  3. Reefer37

    Suspecting Metals/Chlorine in LFS Water. Should I Use Contitioner?

    So I'm having a suspicion that my LFS might have metals or chlorine in their water. I finally decided to order an RODI unit, but it's going to take about a week until it gets here and I can make new water. Should I use water conditioner or wait it out? I've never used it before, but corals...
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