watchman goby

  1. n00bReefer

    Hello New Best Friends

    Just got this tiger shrimp today. Placed him the display tank and then less than a minute later this happened!....
  2. chonsworth

    New Watchman Goby never in the sand

    Yesterday (2023-02-08) I put in a new Watchman Goby with a pistol shrimp and a Splendid Dottyback (from into my aquarium. They joined an azure damselfish, cleaner shrimp and 2 clownfish. As I understand it, these gobies should almost always be in the sand or perching. But...
  3. M

    Hector Goby and Watchman Goby?

    They occupy roughly the same space but I always find tank with both of them together at my LFS since the hector moves more than the watchman. Can these two be in the same tank in a 24 gallon with lots of hiding places? I've got a pair of clownfish in there as well and there's been zero...
  4. FishDaddy1992

    Goby list for Pistol Shrimp

    I have created a list of Goby's that can go with pistol shrimp. This may not be a complete and accurate list. I did a quick Google search and filled in what I could find. Further, there should be further research on what shrimp will go with which Goby as some shrimp will create too small of a...
  5. sarinaruu

    Bristle worm / watchman goby / pistol shrimp relationship

    so this is interesting, when feeding my goby and pistol shrimp whom were both out, a bristle worm came out with them! it was touching the goby and he didn’t even seem to mind and when the goby went in the burrow it did too. i waited for it to come out enough and managed to yoink it out though...
  6. catiebartholomew

    bearded fireworms ate my watchman goby :(( help

    i’m sure i have bearded fireworms. i won’t attach pictures for your sake. mfs ate my juvenile watchman goby. i have quite a few small fish in this tank that i wouldn’t want to get stuck in a trap (especially with said fireworms). does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of them /...
  7. zbever

    75 Gallon Stocking List

    Hello! I am setting up my first saltwater tank. I hope to make a beautiful reef tank in the future. I am starting with my fish until I can afford to light for my coral dreams. I have been keeping fresh water for over 10 years. Right now I am working with a standard 75 gallon. I am...
  8. O

    Small bucket for qt

    My goby has been sick for 3 days, decided to put him in a small bucket with water from the tank, I dosed a small amount of beneficial bacteria and metroplex to the bucket for medication. Am i doing more harm than good? Or I should keep him there until he gets better or dies hopefully not. I am...
  9. O

    Sick goby

    I have a sick goby that might be dying, I can't feed him medication (metroplex because of the risk of other inverts eating it) also don't have qt, i don't see any white spots on him except for his bottom lip which has a white spot, he was fine for the past few days, but he started to be...
  10. Zoa_Fanatic

    Goby and shrimp pair for a 16 gallon

    I’ve got a 16 gallon biocube with only a four stripe damsel in it. He’s old so eventually he’ll pass on me. When he does can I get by with a shrimp and goby pair in a tank this small? Any suggestions on the goby? I’m going with a candy cane pistol since the LFS only gets MASSIVE tigers when they...
  11. S

    A Lonely Diamond Goby Causing A Big Mess!

    So I have a 50gallon Reef tank which is about 4months old now and is going really well... zoas, kenya trees and mushrooms all happy, clownfish seem to be cleaning a patch of rock to nest. Lawnmower Blenny is doing a great job at keeping hair algae at bay and i have lots of baby trochus snails...
  12. tailoftwogobies

    the goby squad

    here’s our goby ‘the gobe’ squad. somehow we’ve been lucky and they all share a 32 gal tank with ‘little’ or no issues.. just a lot of attempts at stealing each others burrows. lol if the video doesn’t load properly please just comment and i’ll edit or attempt to upload again.
  13. N

    Help w/ Yellow Watchman

    Hi Everyone - I purchased a YMG a few weeks back and he went missing shortly after placing into my DT. I assumed the worst. Surprisingly today, I was cleaning out some Chaeto in my sump and found him alive. Not sure how it survived the overflow, drain pipes, and filter sock chamber... I...
  14. ajtomase

    Watchman goby question

    Has anyone experienced a watchman goby burying themselves in a part of the tank where you can't see them? I'm thinking about one being one of the first fish in my tank, but I'm worried they'll end up in a tank I won't be able to seem them (especially paired with a pistol shrimp).
  15. M

    Yellow Watchman and Golden Headed Sleeper Goby Pairing

    Hi guys, I thought id open this thread on the off chance that someone else may have experienced something similar to what I am experiencing, if so, I would really like people to share their stories/thoughts. I have had my yellow watchman goby for a couple of years, his name is grumpy (obvious...
  16. Colecolecole

    Something happened overnight

    I wake up this morning to part of one of my trumpet corals darkened and my watchmen goby pinned against the overflow filter grate. Watchmen is still alive surprisingly but wouldn’t stop swimming at the top of the tank. I pulled him out so he could relax and eat with being bugged by my Dottie...
  17. T

    Feeding skittish goby in quarantine

    I’ve had a yellow watchman goby and a green clown goby in a quarantine tank for about a week. They spend a lot of time hiding (to be expected) which has caused me to struggle getting them fed. The clown goby flips out after I tried target feeding him with a syringe a few times. The...
  18. N

    Brooklynella? Treatment? Help please

    I have a 40 gallon reef tank. I have at least 4 different types of coral, 2 red firefish, a watchmen goby, maroon clown, blue legged hermit crab and a Mexican Turbo snail. Everyone eats and acts normal. But I recently noticed a tiny white mucus spot near the tail of the maroon clown. At first I...
  19. grantor

    What's wrong with Marty?

    I got Marty, a Pink Spotted Watchman Goby, about a week ago. I was watching him while feeding earlier and noticed he has a rough patch of blackened scales and it appears there is some kind of parisite moving under his skin (see attached video). What is wrong with Marty and how can i treat him?
  20. Jessicaray94

    Watchman goby

    My watchman goby has been in this tank for a month & he has yet to settle in. He is constantly at the top of the tank, he never goes down to the sand bed. Is this normal? I have 2 pistol shrimp which I was hoping he would pair with but since he never goes to the sand bed, I dont think hes even...
  21. GoodKat

    Calling Yellow Watchman Owners

    Yellow watchman owners, I recently received an adult watchman and he is anything but yellow; more grey than anything. I know that it's typical for them to change colors over their life time. (Bonus if someone can give me advice on how to get him to turn pretty yellow. My research from the...
  22. O

    Starting a New Hobby with my Significant Other

    Hi all! I have a 32-gallon biocube that my SO and I started. This is our very first tank! It's been cycled for a few months now. We have a firefish named Ember....get it?! A yellow watchman goby named Hamilton (like the watch brand), a pistol shrimp named Pistol Pete. Unfortunately, Hamilton...
  23. DeepBlueSomething

    QT for Watchman goby?

    How best to run a diamond watchman through QT with a bare bottom tank? It will be my first QT set up in a 10g and want to set up for just success. Have checked the QT thread and have all r comm need items but curious about sand sifter specifically. TIA
  24. Tigweldpro

    Help catching pistol shrimp/goby pair

    I am reposting this question here to see if I can get some help with this. original post Edit: the 2 green spotted mandarin fish are using the trap as a feeding station now...
  25. nautical_nathaniel

    AIO Build Goby Stuck in IM Nuvo 20 Back Chamber

    Hey everyone, I have a 1.5" Yellow Watchman Goby that has somehow managed to squeeze it's way through my overflow, through a filter chamber, around the IM Ghost Protein Skimmer, and into the big middle chamber where I keep my heater, ATO switch and return pump. If you aren't familiar with this...