
  1. Maria A

    Recommendations on Powerheads

    I’m new to saltwater hobby after many years of freshwater tanks. Running a 40 gallon Breederon a Whale 500 canister. Trying to upgrade current power heads in the tank to increase flow for softies and zoanthids. Considering a set (2) of these options: 1. Jebao SLW-20 Compact Wavemaker...
  2. J

    Maryland Virginia Washington, D.C. Powerheads MP10W x 2 - Mobius Ready - Nem Guards - $300 shipped

    Got burned on a local sale. Full disclosure, the wet side on one is completely bad and the other can be spun up to about 25% before becoming very audible. Also, the shorter nem guard is stuck on the wet side. I have successfully connected both of them to the Mobius app so the only thing these...
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