
  1. docforestal

    Aquariums Sumps Drygoods 190 Gallon aquarium with sump for sale in VT- no longer available

    Selling Terms Of Service: YES I have read the terms and agree to them Hi, I have a Deep Sea Aquatics aquarium 190 Pro (60.5"L x 27.5"W x 27.5"H) with 3 drain/2 return holes) - purchased 12/2014 - used 15 month, then cleaned and stored, minimal scratching, plumbing intact (although might not...
  2. hobie61

    Vermont Live Goods RBTA--over population--Vermont

    Happy New Year! I need to get rid of a few rBTAs from my tank as starting to take over. If anyone local (near Essex VT) would like some, let me know. Not sure how difficult it will be to remove them. All seem healthy, and have been the tank for almost 2 years. The original rbta was from...
  3. ScubaFish802

    Vermont WTB Green Kenya Tree

    Want to Buy Green Kenya Tree - Willing to pay shipping
  4. VermontReefs

    Build Thread Vermont Reef's Cade 1200 S2 Build

    Here we go! After a 10 year run with reef tanks in Colorado and a recent 10 year hiatus from the hobby, the reef bug is itching and I'm scratching that itch. To say that things have changed from the last time I built a system is an understatement. Gone are the days of Fiji Live Rock & Metal...