vermetid snails


    Vermetid snail photos

    So I finally got some photos and vedios of vermetid snails which I had. I had set up a powerful pump so that it can't make webs so now it had came out of that rock.
  2. Salty Sea Flowers

    Tiny conchs? Pests?

    I've had a sudden explosion of these little guys (snails of some kind) in my frag/grow out tank. They have a similar shape to a conch shell, but the biggest I've seen as been maybe a centimeter in length, max. I can't find anything on the web about them either?! They seem to reproduce fairly...
  3. R

    vermetid snails?

    Hello .. can you please ID whats on my mushroom frag plug .. is it vermetid snails or tube worm
  4. Reefahholic

    Challenge: Find a place where Vermetid Snails don’t exist.

    Excluding freshwater... I’m talking about typical places were we order corals and inverts. Does such a place on earth exist with marine life w/o Vermetid snails. Again, I’m not taking about the deepest depths of Antarctica. I’m trying to figure out a place to get live sand or mud where I can...
  5. Reefer37

    Vermetid ID?

    Anyone help ID that these are vermetid snails underneath my new ricordea? Just notice it tonight.
  6. Reefer37

    Web-like Algae

    Hey everyone! I've been reefing for only 3 months now, so still learning a ton, and I'll tell ya, I can't wait until I can sit down and actually enjoy my tank instead of obsessing over learning and trying to figure every single detail when things change. That's a side note though. :p So I've...
Aquarium Specialty