vermetid snail

  1. D

    Spionid worms or vermetid snails???

    Posted are a few photos of what I believe to be either spionid worms or vermetid snails. I am leaning towards the spionid worms because I have not seen any “web like” material come out of the end, but if anyone knows please let me know? if they are spionid worms, are they harmless? Thank you!
  2. stephanjupillat

    Vermetid Snails?

    So I'm assuming these are all vermedit snails. Picture below, dead center, is the big tube. I cut that as low as I could with bone cutters and cut a portion of the worm, couldn't get the rest. Used the cutters everywhere below the tube I cut off to kill it. Not sure if they can regrow. Below...
  3. A

    Leptastrea carpeting

    Hi all, Thanks for any answers you can provide me with. I am interested in covering the whole central rock of my nano in Leptastrea. Two objectives with this: 1) I think it would look really cool i.e. a gold rock as a central piece and 2) I am sick of vermetid snails and I have heard that...
  4. T

    Polyp Bailout

    I just had a hammer coral bailout it’s only head and I’m so sad. I realized I placed it in too high of a flow area and when I went to move it l, the polyp flew off. my parameters are: Salinity: 1.025 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0.10 KH: 8.2 Temp: 78.9 PH: 8.2 ca: 380 Mg: 1440 It’s a 40...
  5. P

    Vermetid Snails - Dry Tank

    I am upgrading to a new tank and know the tank was broke down due to a vermetid snail infestation that got way out of hand… I’ve removed all remnants but and will take a scrub brush to overflow, but I’m sure there are some remnants in the hard tubing that is glued and irreplaceable. is there...
  6. T

    Are there any natural solutions to spaghetti worms and/or vermetid snails?

    Hi everyone. I have noticed the spaghetti worm and vermetid snail population growing in my tank. When I’m in there cleaning up I will grab a few of the worms from the sand bed but am now also noticing them in my rockscape. Vermetid snails are popping up everywhere too. I’d prefer a natural...
  7. Ocean_dreamer89

    Help ID hitchhiker on coral

    Hello! I was looking at my corals today and saw this guy on my candy cane. Tried looking online and I’m not sure if it’s a vermetid snail or a type of sponge. Can anyone offer any clarity and advise of what to do? I’m currently in the process of slowly transferring corals to a new tank and...
  8. M

    Do turbo snails eat vermetid snails?

    Hi, So I had a severe vermetid snail outbreak. The vermetid snails where everywhere, so I removed them by taking out every single rock and crushing the vermetids. I probably crushed more than 100 of them (the outbreak was bad). Fast forward a couple of weeks and I notice them appearing again...
  9. ReefSarg


    been battling these little point of sale for over a year... I crush, I pluck, I starve them.... to no avail. Now that they’re growing on my sps I’m throwing in the towel. My tank is getting a complete over haul, putting my fish and coral in QT for a couple months. Luckily I just have a small 50g...
  10. JAKos

    Vermetid Snails

    So by the title i'm wondering how you can get rid of vermetid snails, do i just get my fingers and crush them? there's so many on my rocks and a few on my frogspawn but don't seem to be bothering it (not making the polyps retract and heads close etc). is there anything that will eat them? a reef...
  11. Reefer37


    Can anyone help ID whether this is a vermetid snail or some other sort of tube worm? It looks like it's growing out from the skeleton of my acan.
  12. William Robinson

    Opinion: Vermetid snails - True Harmful Pest or Just a ugly pest?

    Disclaimer: This thread is not to prove anything one way or another. It is "food for thought" after 15 years in the hobby and hundreds of dives in locations around the world. Please keep it civil and read it as just that, "food for thought". A good toilet read? lol This is a topic I've seen go...
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