velvet treatment

  1. R

    Was about to shutdown tank for Marine Velvet then something happened

    I can keep telling my story for days, but long story short. Devastation happened. Everything was going well for about a month since I added a dozen of fish together in my 300 gallons. Then one day back in Nov 2022 I had to jump on a plane after I got the news my Father passed away. While I was...
  2. K

    Scooter Blenny not eating after 3 days in copper

    To say upfront the blenny is now in water with 0ppm copper. 2 different LFS recommended copper treatment in QT due to velvet in DT and I regrettably followed their advice. Current issue - Scooter blenny is not eating and does not look well. Heavy breathing, barely moving (see picture and...
  3. 1Matthew

    EMERGENCY Possible Velvet

    Hi all, last week we noticed signs of ich/ velvet on our mimic tang. He was scratching up against rocks .Unfortunately, that fish recently passed. The tank currently has a clown, 1 purple dottyback, and a pajama cardinal. The clown had ich around 7 years ago when we first set up the tank but...
  4. W

    Marine velvet but I’m going on a trip

    Hey guys this is a quite annoying scenario for me but i want opinions from anyone on possible ideas, so I had decided to finally add fish to my tank lucky me after all the work cycling it it was finally ready yay! Turns out one of my little inhabitants has come down with what im almost sure is...
  5. S

    EMERGENCY velvet / transfering in quarantine tank

    Hi guys, As you can see, I have a beautiful desease in my tank that decimate almost everything exept 2 fish. I discuss with my reef shop and he suggest me to transfer the fish in a quarantine tank. I have only a blue tang ( 12 years old ) left and a hawkfish, I bought a 35 gallon tank so the...
  6. K

    Velvet or Brook please help

    I just noticed these white spots all over my one clown. How can I tell if it's Velvet or Brooklynella? I attached pictures although it was very hard to capture a clear photo of it. Is there anything I can do to stop it? And do I have to start over after this, like a 100% water change? Thanks!
  7. M

    velvet treatment in Display tank

    i have a 76 gallon that was set up 5 months ago, had a clown fish, canary blenny, royal gamma, that were quarantined for 80 days introduced about a month ago, and, at the same time, i moved a blue tang 7 years old from my 7 year old tank that had nothing introduced into it for 6 + years ( i am...
  8. Jon!

    Ich / Velvet Do Nothing Treatment Thread!

    I am sharing my experience beating (living with) ich/velvet by doing nothing except maintaining good water quality and movement and increasing the quantity, quality and variety of foods offered to the fish in my DT. Hi all. I'm a big fan of R2R and the many perspectives I've gained over the...
  9. jaihutcherson

    EMERGENCY Velvet i

    Hey All! FOWLR 230g/60g trigger sump, w wave makers 750gph each, bubble mangus curve 7, GFO and Carbon reactor, 52w UV/600gph, fritz pro salt, tank age 18 months, 4 HO T5 Lights, roughly 175 lbs live rock Fish: Rhinecanthus Trigger Clown Trigger - Maybe Dead by Morning White spotted grouper...
  10. J

    Yellow tang, please help

    Hello, My yellow tang (I've had for 7 months or more) has recently stopped eating, scratching, and has been hiding under rocks in the shadow areas. I caught it tonight, and put it into qt in 1.00 copper power. I am attaching a video of it in QT, and I'm wondering what the red is in its bottom...
  11. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clowns keep getting Brook?

    I’ve had these two clowns since March 4th in qt 10g, heater, bubbler, pvc. I observed them for the first 4 days and they began to show signs of Brook I jumped on here followed recommended treatment treated with ruby reef bath and dosed tank with metroplex, I also did a full water change in the...
  12. katiestl

    Cupramine contamination questions

    I’m using Cupramine in a quarantine tank to treat ich or velvet, unsure. I have a heater in there a HOB filter and I moved my MP40 to the quarantine tank also. My questions are around Cupramine or copper getting into things and then I can’t use them again. I want to be able to move my MP40...
  13. M

    What to do after velvet outbreak

    Hey guys..... After my tank got struck with velvet I lost all of my fish except 2 wrasses and a yellow watchman goby. the last fish died over one month ago. So I think they are save so far.... Now ive got the big problem that some people say that this 3 fish will still remain as hosts. But I...
  14. D

    EMERGENCY Marine Velvet Fallow period

    If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have velvet wipe your whole tank, can you just cycle out your tank with freshwater for a couple days to kill any parasites in the sand? I’ve seen a lot of post recommending to soak your rocks and other tank objects in freshwater for 48hrs so why not do the...
  15. C

    Velvet qt tank

    Hello, So This is a little big of a long story. I have a quarantine tank up because I have velvet in my display tank. It has been a little over 6 weeks. I have extended by 2 weeks since i have made the mistake of putting my hand from qt to the other to my dt. My hand may have been dry but I was...