velvet infection

  1. D2mooch

    Possible velvet

    Looking for advice for possible velvet outbreak, not sure what to do in my 125 reef. A few weeks ago I introduced a sailfin tang into my tank, I always use Dr Tim’s when I put in new fish. 2 days later my porcupine puffer was showing signs of ick. I do not have a hospital tank for a qt at the...
  2. Sakudo4


    I started a small Nano tank and had a couple fish in it they all died of velvet I'm going fishless for 6 weeks what happens to the reef tank with out fish ? will it be ok ? with no fish / waste do i still feed food? feed the bacteria? please advise ,this is the first time i deal with velvet...
  3. R

    Was about to shutdown tank for Marine Velvet then something happened

    I can keep telling my story for days, but long story short. Devastation happened. Everything was going well for about a month since I added a dozen of fish together in my 300 gallons. Then one day back in Nov 2022 I had to jump on a plane after I got the news my Father passed away. While I was...
  4. 1Matthew

    EMERGENCY Possible Velvet

    Hi all, last week we noticed signs of ich/ velvet on our mimic tang. He was scratching up against rocks .Unfortunately, that fish recently passed. The tank currently has a clown, 1 purple dottyback, and a pajama cardinal. The clown had ich around 7 years ago when we first set up the tank but...
  5. K

    Yellow Tang Woes

    Good afternoon, Quick synopsis…mature reef, 65 gal 1.025 Nitrate 5 Phos .8 Alk 9.5 Cal 500 Mg 1470 pH 8.1-8.3 Tank been running for 6 years Running Modified Moonshiners 1000ml kalk I’ve had the yellow tang for well over a year. Quite healthy or so I thought. Wife noticed ‘white dust’ on him...
  6. W

    How to clear velvet from a quarantine tank?

    Hey guys I’m here with some sort of somber news, I’d been treating my fish for velvet and they did sadly kick the bucket, there were in a qt bin that had a sponge filter some media to hold bacteria and a heater and finally pvc decorations, I was wondering as the bin of as used for treating...
  7. W

    How does velvet infect in a qt system?

    Hello all I have more of a scientific question of interest, so based upon what I’ve seen from the velvet life cycle it needs a sand or substrate to infect a fish yeah? but it also is found in fish via well it being carried by them so here’s my question, say two fish are in a bare qt system can...