
  1. R

    Was about to shutdown tank for Marine Velvet then something happened

    I can keep telling my story for days, but long story short. Devastation happened. Everything was going well for about a month since I added a dozen of fish together in my 300 gallons. Then one day back in Nov 2022 I had to jump on a plane after I got the news my Father passed away. While I was...
  2. S

    EMERGENCY Clownfish contracted velvet

    Ok im at my wits end with this. My initial stocking of a 17gal reef consisted of two super red ocellaris clowns and a red Firefish goby. As stated in a previous thread, fish displayed signs of velvet on day 2 of qt so started on treatment regimen with chloroquine phosphate at 15mg/ltr for a...
  3. D

    EMERGENCY Sick Dogface Puffer! Ich?

    I have a sick dogface puffer! He has ich I think. I treated with weco nox-ich (Malachite Green) after being recommended by a local fish store. Seems it didn't work or only provided temporary relief. Gave him a FW dip two nights ago. Hoping it's ich and not velvet. Would prefer to stay away from...
Cultivated Reef