
  1. S

    Coral Beauty Velvet?

    Hello! One month ago I noticed some white spots on my Coral Beauty. It appeared to be Ich. As they were large and fell off after a period of time. After transferring him to a QT tank and copper treatment I see no positive changes. He’s getting worse. The dots are now smaller — Labored...
  2. B

    Ich, velvet or brookynella? Please help me ID

    Hello fellow reefers. I was wondering if you can help me ID what is on my clownfish? He recently started hosted my gonipora and I thought it was just debris but I think it is something more than that? He seems to be eating and acting normal. Thanks for your help!
  3. K

    HELP! Ich, Velvet, or something else

    I noticed some white dots and white discoloration on my midnight lightening clown today and need help diagnosing what it is for treatment. Please help.
  4. S

    Is this brooklynella?

    I just got my first saltwater tank up and running... It's a 210 gallon tank and I have 4 black ocellaris clownfish that I have been using to start my cycle on the tank. I added them on 10/22/2023 and now on 10/31/2023 I noticed that only one of my clownfish has these white "spots" and from a...
  5. B


    I think one of my clownfish has velvet. I have noticed him the last 24 hours not eating and breathing very heavy. I also recently lost a flasher wrasse and a fire fish. What should my next step be? I still have 1 other clownfish that is moving around well and eating and same with the other fire...
  6. KyleC

    Marine ich or velvet?

    Hey, Can anyone tell of this is Marine ich or velvet on my pocupine puffer? He sleeps during day and swims about at night. Eats one shrimp or so a day (only got him recently so can't say if his habbits have changed). I'll try and get a better picture. Currently treating my tank with eSHa...