
  1. Rollthedicereef

    Build Thread Yes it's ANOTHER Fluval Flex 32.5g build...

    After joining the hobby 2+ years ago in 2020 with a Fluval Evo 13.5g I decided I'm addicted enough to upgrade to a larger tank so I can keep more corals and fish. I shopped around a lot looking at various tanks both off the shelf and custom, my ideal would be custom but I really don't want to...
  2. Vapor_Tsunami

    Compatibility Question

    Hello! I am fairly new to the saltwater side of the hobby, and I have a 10 gallon coral tank with some montis and softies that I like a lot (no fish rn, might add a tailspot blenny or something similar). Either way, I'm liking the marine side of things a lot, and I was considering getting a 40...
  3. boo2004

    Bloated valentini puffer

    Yesterday I noticed my valentini puffer wasn’t being his normal outgoing active self. He looks super bloated or fat. He is normally a happy guy swimming all over begging for food. We’ve had him a month. I’ve checked water everything looks great. Went ahead and did a water change to be safe. No...
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