valentini puffer

  1. Noel01

    Georgia Live Goods Valentini Puffer

    Valentini Puffer Selling for a friend. He has joined the fire department and had to leave this guy behind. I have him in my tank at the moment. Eats well and is a very curious fish. Even lets you pet him.
  2. markushio40b

    Tang being attacked?

    I currently have a Scopas Tang, 2 Clowns, and a Valentino Puffer. I just noticed today that the Tang seems to have 2 bite marks on its back fins. Is it possible the puffer did this or even the clowns? They all seem very calm around each other and even swim together in groups. I have been cutting...
  3. reefrubble

    Freshwater Dip Valentini Puffer: Safe or Avoid

    Hi Fellow Reefers, I prefer to give all of my fish that can safely tolerate it a freshwater dip during their 2 month quarantine prior to releasing them into my display tank. I never exceed 5 minute long freshwater dips and remove fish early if I witness any concerning behavior outside of what I...
  4. witchywoman725

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer injured

    My two puffers went after the same piece of meat this afternoon and by complete accident the larger one got my Valentini’s snout. They are usually best friends and my valentini shadows my bigger puffer. My big puffer (dogface) has never shown any aggression towards any tank mates and this was...
  5. S

    Help deciding on new fish addition!

    Hello, I’ve recently taken a liking to the saddle Valentini puffer. My question is if it would be happy at home in my tank. My tank is a 32 gallon biocube with mixed corals from sps to softies and a GBTA. Only nails are Tonga nassarius snails and trochus snails. I also have a cleaner shrimp...
  6. R

    Converting reef to fish only tank

    I have a 36 gallon reef. I’ve been really busy and I’m not home for most of the summer so my family has been taking care of my tank. I’ve already had 2 coral die since they’ve been taking care of it. I’ve been considering converting my tank into a predator tank. In terms of fish atm I have 2...
  7. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer Dying???

    I just got this puffer in the mail today, the bag had hardly any air in it so I tried to work fast. I floated him for about 10 min and drip acclimated him for I’d say 45min doubling the water volume twice. I did not net him or remove him from the water he did not puff up at all. He was swimming...
  8. T

    Hi all! I have a 32g biocube and I’m excited about aquatic life!

    Hi everyone! I’ve loved aquariums pretty much my whole life, and I’ve always wanted a saltwater tank (I’ve only done freshwater till now) so I finally caved and set up a biocube to test the water. I’ve taken care of other aquariums for the past 3 years and my new job is all aquatics. I know...
  9. J

    Any cleanup crew a Valentini puffer won’t eat?

    Hi! I’ve been thinking about future stocking for my biocube 32, and have considered the valentini puffer, they seem really neat but I am wondering if there are any cleanup crew they won’t eat. I’ve heard they defiantly would eat shrimp, but what about bigger snails? Or serpent starts or...
  10. I

    Valentini puffer help!

    My valentini puffer was hanging around the back corner and two big brown globs came out his belly. one was a little smaller but they had 2 black dots on them but I can’t find where it went to take photos. what was that??? Should I be worried? I only have one puffer in the tank.
  11. Evan28395950

    Valentini Pufferfish Laying On Sand

    Hey everyone, I noticed him beginning to lay on the sand a little bit a few days ago. Now today he has basically been in the same spot on the sandbed. Any input would be helpful. I’m planning to do a water change tonight, and test my water tomorrow. I do have API general cure and Seachem Focus...
  12. Spydersweb

    Getting my Valentini to eat different foods

    Hello all, So, I picked up a young Valentini puffer about a week so, and he’s kind of a pain in the butt to feed. For the first couple of days, I couldn’t get em to eat anything. I tried mysis, krill, silversides, and SF brand carnivore cuisine, all cut into appropriate sizes, but every time...
  13. Evan28395950

    Wisconsin Valentini Puffer

    Hey all, so I’m looking to get rid of my Puffer next month, not immediately, due to moving on to sps corals. My price would be like $15 or $20, but I don’t care about the money, just that he ends up in a decent sized tank where he can be cared for. Thanks! Local pickup only, no shipping.
  14. Evan28395950

    Valentiny Puffer bothering Sea Urchin

    This is the first time the sea urchin is out during the day, and I noticed my pufferfish keeps on pecking at it. Will it be ok?
  15. Mike N

    Valentini diet/environment questions

    I recently acquired a valentini from petco. He had what I think is ich, but he's recovering very quickly. I'm currently feeding him frozen mysis and enriched brine and i'll be getting some krill as well today. He doesn't touch flake or pellets. I would like to give him the best diet possible...
  16. Mike N

    New Valentini Puffer has ich?

    I purchased a valentini from petco today to add some personality to a fishless 30g. When I started the acclimation, I noticed white dots on a couple of his fins. He seems happy enough, but I have noticed him flashing a couple times. Hes the sole fish in a tank with live rock and an emerald...
  17. R

    After addition of Valentini Puffer, my cleaner shrimp has lost his antenna and is hiding in the rock

    Before the addition of my Valentini Puffer, my cleaner shrimp would roam the tank with my 2 clownfish and all was well. Then when I added my Valentini Puffer, the shrimp now hides between two rocks and seems to have lost all his antennas (rn they are all very small).
A Reef Creation