uronema marinum

  1. SkyAquatic

    Is this Uronema on my Green Chromis?

    I recently got 4 green Chromis and a Yellowtail blue damsel. I put them in my invert QT for a week until I get my Fish QT ready to house life. I noticed on 3 of my green Chromis red sores that appear to be Uronema. Medicine is coming in this week but since the sores have appeared I’ve heard they...
  2. J

    EMERGENCY Need help identifying this please

    I have 4 cromis and a few other fish and I need help identifying this outbreak. All the fish are fine except these dang cromis. One got very bad very quickly I think it go hit by a shrimp bullet or cleaner. But the other one has weird markings on it and it’s got no red and doesn’t look like...
  3. Aterlycan

    Could you help me ID why my starry blenny died

    Hey guys 3 weeks ago i added a starry blenny it was doing fine eating on algea all over, two weeks ago when i added some clown fish and fox face it started being less active. It was purching on top of the rocks in front of the Power head that had me wondering About some paracite. But i read that...
  4. N

    Uronema and what to do now

    A few weeks back I picked up 10 Green Chromis from an online dealer, always wanted a school of chromis in my tank. Within 4 days from arrival 9 of the 10 had died from what appeared to be Uronema (https://humble.fish/uronema/). QT had been up and running for 6+ months with other fish having gone...
  5. shawnriv

    Fish Disease Help? Uronema - Is My Tank Sick?

    Hey Everyone! I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I may be having. I just cycled my new tank (both ammonia and nitrite were zero), did a water change, then purchased three chromis from my LFS. I broke down my previous tank and have all the livestock set up in holding tanks with...
  6. Reefahholic

    Uronema confirmed!

Pirates Reef Corals