
  1. R

    Uronema or injury?

    I bought this Barlet Anthias a couple of days ago and I noticed now that it looked like he was losing scales in a specific area and came across uronema through this forum. It may be hard to tell from the pictures but at least to me it looks a little bit red like is mentioned with uronema. The...
  2. SkyAquatic

    Is this Uronema on my Green Chromis?

    I recently got 4 green Chromis and a Yellowtail blue damsel. I put them in my invert QT for a week until I get my Fish QT ready to house life. I noticed on 3 of my green Chromis red sores that appear to be Uronema. Medicine is coming in this week but since the sores have appeared I’ve heard they...
  3. O

    4 Lyretail Anthias died last night in QT. Is it Uronema? pics attached.

    These 4 female lyretail anthias were in QT (cuz I got them online). Today I went to do a 100% water change, and I found these 4 dead. I am not sure what killed all of them. The ammonia levels were around .25ppm Nitrite was at zero. 3 of the dead anthias had injuries (as you can see in the...
  4. Trigger1

    Clownfish growth, Uronema vs infection-both?

    Saw large growth on clownfish two days ago. Doing 90 minute RRR dips on both clowns for seven days. Does it look like an infection or Uronema?
  5. J

    EMERGENCY Need help identifying this please

    I have 4 cromis and a few other fish and I need help identifying this outbreak. All the fish are fine except these dang cromis. One got very bad very quickly I think it go hit by a shrimp bullet or cleaner. But the other one has weird markings on it and it’s got no red and doesn’t look like...
  6. mdowney

    How do I rid my tank of vibriosis?

    I had what I believe to be a vibrio outbreak wipe out most of my tank. I have a microscope on the way so I can confirm that it isn’t uronema. I’ve removed what’s left of the fish. They’ve been in QT for a week, treating with Maracyn 2 + KanaPlex. There’s only three fish remaining out of 18...
  7. Muffin87

    Can I treat prophylactically for brook/uronema without food-soaking, formalin, or CP?

    Humblefish's quarantine protocol and BRS video on quarantining for Brook & Uronema have rather conflicting advice about prophylactic treatments for brook/uronema. In summary: BRS video Humblefish Food-soaking with metro Second best option in quarantine No (symptomatic infections only)...
  8. R

    Eradicating Uronema - What To Do With Inverts?

    I have uronema in my tank, or at least their DNA. The last fish died, so tearing down the tank and sterilizing is not a problem. But there are a few corals, a shrimp, snails and hermits. They can be housed while the DT is being cleaned, but what can I do to ensure there are no parasites on...
  9. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Is this anthias a gonner?

    Just got 7 dispar anthias at least thats what i think they are the seller didn’t specify the species as they just called it rainbow fish or something. The seller said they were ‘old stock’ so they already ate pellets, i decided to grab them. They are being qted in a 70g now. They all are eating...
  10. ito2

    Green chromis looks weird.

    Hey guys , I’m looking to see if anyone can help me identify what’s wrong with my green chromis. A little over 2 days ago , I introduced him into my DT without quarantining him (Huge mistake on my end) and all seemed well for the time being, except for some minor clown aggression. This morning...
  11. jskidds2294

    Green Chromis showing signs of white/pink rash

    Hi like in my title, my new green chromis are showing sign of what I have gathered is uronema. I'm currently treating the tank with Rally/Kick Ick "kick ick as I'm also quarantining/pre treating these fish". I also just started treating with Maracyn Oxy to help with the open sores, and added...
  12. Rednamalas


    Hello all, yesterday I found 4 out of 7 of my fish dead in my reef tank. I have since moved the living to a qt and plan to completely deconstruct my tank and sanatize it. Over night, the chromis originally harboring the uronema is dead with the signature red/brown spot. I do have a few questions...
  13. KGV

    Quarantine poll

    Most of us believe that quarantining your fish is the best approach to avoid diseases wiping out our entire tank. I think most will agree on that. But ... does it also safe more fish lives overall?
  14. J

    Lyretail Anthias question

    Hello, I picked 3 lyretail anthias yesterday, and they are in QT currently with some copper power (1ppm currently). Yesterday after adding one of them, I noticed this small bruise like mark near the gill, and was thinking maybe it happened with the guy caught the fish in the net up against the...
  15. N

    Uronema and what to do now

    A few weeks back I picked up 10 Green Chromis from an online dealer, always wanted a school of chromis in my tank. Within 4 days from arrival 9 of the 10 had died from what appeared to be Uronema (https://humble.fish/uronema/). QT had been up and running for 6+ months with other fish having gone...
  16. Niels Verstappen

    Uronema or bactetial

    I recently lost all my fish to I believe was brooklynella but I came across this picture the other day from bassleer that shows a strong resemblance to anthias I really hope it's not uronema my female was the only one with the red mark, I have to note that my midas blenny did bully my anthias...
  17. Cyclone-G

    How Get Rid of Uronema and Flukes on Butterflyfish

    I went through several Pyramid Butterfly fish to figure this out. Watch as I take you through 4 months of working with these fish to figure out a cure. Amazon links to everything I used in the videos is in the youtube comment section.
  18. RJinPV

    Yellow Tang Is Sick. Any advice?

    My yellow tang, that I have had for about 4 years now, is in distress. Red patches appeared on it back in December so I treated it with Seachem Metroplex for about 2-3 weeks and things cleared up. Last week I ran carbon and did a water change thinking it was cured. Today the red patches...
  19. shawnriv

    Fish Disease Help? Uronema - Is My Tank Sick?

    Hey Everyone! I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I may be having. I just cycled my new tank (both ammonia and nitrite were zero), did a water change, then purchased three chromis from my LFS. I broke down my previous tank and have all the livestock set up in holding tanks with...
  20. shawnriv

    Treating Uronema in Empty Tank - Help!

    Hi All, I recently picked up a trio of chromis and they all died due to Uronema. Although, I have no other fish living in the tank. I read online once it's in a system, it's difficult to remove. Does anyone have any recommendations? Should I do a 100% water change? Or will it die out on its own?
  21. D

    Chromis and Uronema in new DT - help!

    Hi - newbie here. Need advice - sorry in advance for the long story. Recently set up a 130gal with 75lbs of dry live rock and sand. I did a fishless cycle (and added a bottle of API quickstart that came free with my sand) and at 4 weeks my water looked good after a decent ammonia and nitrite...
  22. Reefahholic

    Treating Uronema

    Just want to say that Uronema has been tuff everytime I run into it. This time around it's proven to be resistant to 60mg of Chloroquine Phosphate. I was shocked that it had no affect. This was pharmaceutical grade straight from the pharmacy. I also did 3x 50 minute dips with Formalin MS 37%...
  23. Reefahholic

    Lymphocystis- the common viral disease with no cure.

  24. Reefahholic

    40mg CP treatment & TTM day 10

    The Blue Regal stopped eating and some of the other fish slowed down too. The Regal's activity level also decreased. After the 3rd transfer, I didn't redose anymore CP. I noticed after about 10 hours he started to become more active. Regal's are very weird fishes anyway, so you really need to...
  25. Reefahholic

    My new QT treatment logic.

    So now I'm changing my game plan on most new arrivals. I've been dosing CP (40mg) during TTM coupled with Prazipro. I feel it's about the safest route to go considering that nearly all fish I've seen lately have a Parasite, Flukes, Bacterial infection, Viral infection, etc, etc. We know that...
Ultimate Corals