
  1. Naldy

    Need Help with ID of white thing in my hammer.

    Hi all, I have no idea on what this white cotton like stuff is growing in one of my hammers. I read somewhere that it might be a Pineapple Sponge, but I have no idea…the thread had very blurry photos. These are the clearest photos to try and ID what the heck is this. TIA for all the help!
  2. k2-

    I think I am screwed - URGENT HELP PLEASE

    My system has gone too far , approximately 250 gallon - Nh3 - 0 no2 - 0 No3 - 239 - Checked with 3 different kits numerous times - including hanna, API all pointing above 200 number Phosphate - 0.06 All other parameters are normal (Ph, Salinity, Alk, CA, Mg). RODI water is pristine. Switched...
  3. M

    Hello urgent. help with BTA

    hey guys i have a bta in my reef tank that just won’t seem to open up. i adjusted where he is and put him near my frag tray which is also next to my filter and he seemed to be doing better but he never fully opened up. he started moving a lot all over the tank but i don’t know what to do. need...
  4. Antmonger

    Sudden death?

    I have a 240gal reef tank with softy’s and LPS Alk 10-10.5 range Ca 420-450 range Mag 1250-1300 range Salinity 32 Nitrates 15-20 range Temp ranges 78.1 Radion xr30 light it has been on the same schedule for years I started to do maintenance, as-well as needing algae removal from the glass and...
  5. GraveKone

    Need urgent help with euphillia

    Within the last month and a half I have had some huge troubles with the three pieces I have. The head on my octo completely broke off and flew away, the torch has almost completely receded into the base and my hammer which has done amazing since I got it last Christmas has start to show signs...
  6. AndyLam

    Where can I buy dr g coral dip?

    Does anyone know where I can purchase dr. G coral dip on the internet? I tried to purchase on the official website but no response, and other sites that used to sell this product said it has discontinued. I am needing it so badly and urgently to treat sps black bugs. thanks in advance.
  7. Yazreef

    Lost almost all my SPS today!!

    Hello all, I have acro's die today .the skin peeled right off the acro's . It didn't start from the bottom like in RTN or STN but from the polyps first then all goes to hell after. The first signs of stress were the acro tips started being exposed and some of them got algae on them!. I dipped...
  8. R

    EMERGENCY Boxfish death

    Hello! I have a new 2 moths 200L old tank. I have 2 clownfish and 1 damselfish and some corals. The tank was thriving, everything in check. Yesterday I bought one beautiful boxfish. He was doing ok untill today. Suddenly he was falling on the ground heavy breathing, wanted to jump out of the...
  9. Catfish31504

    Cloudy tank killing fish

    Hello, about 2 weeks ago after i did a water change, the tank would get cloudy during the day. It clears up by mid afternoon but every morning its cloudy again. I tried multiple things including a water change, adjusting the filter, and most recently i started dosing microbacter7 to see if that...
  10. thunderwolf

    FRESHWATER urgent issue

    Sorry for posting about freshwater here but this is the only forum I have and I need to go to work in the next 10 minutes. Two days ago I noticed a fish that I believe just had babies swimming oddly and sort of spinning top to bottom either near the bottom of with it's head in the substrate...
  11. R

    RODI Flush valve

    I’m filling up some fresh water , do I leave this the way it is , or is it suppose to be in the direction with the broken lines ? I didn’t flush before using as I’m barely finding out about this .
  12. M

    Emperor Angelfish ICH

    Hi all I have diagnosed my Emperor Angelfish with ICH. All I can see right now on him is 2 spots I dosed the tank with Kordon Copper-Aid. I also have Kordon Rid ICH as well. I was wondering if I should dose that too at the same time as the copper? Also how often should I Dose the copper the...
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