
  1. Wrapse

    New Hammer Coral Dead Arm???

    Hey, I just got this hammer last thursday and it has been looking great until last night I noticed a few arms around the outer perimeter of the coral looked a little shrunken and deflated. Thats when I also noticed what looks to be dead arm with a missing tip? It has looked a little more...
  2. E

    EMERGENCY Urgent help needed about Clownfish.

    So first and foremost let me give full background and story. I have an Ocellaris Clownfish pair, one orange and one black, I have now had them together for over 2 years since babies, so there have been no new additions. In that time, it has been pretty clear that the leader so to speak is the...
  3. Matt Bravo

    Anemone need help

    I recently finished cycling (gave it 4 weeks) about a week ago I got fish and an anemone since my LFS said it would be fine but I was looking at in tonight and it looks like it's shrinking and I'm not sure but I think the mouth is extremely open is it pooping sleeping dying I'm not too sure if...
  4. Cole_Voeller

    EMERGENCY Ich in tanks

    Okay, well I thought my ich problem was dealt with, but I guess not. So as much as I hate the idea of taking all my fish out and keeping them out of my tank for months, it looks like I have no other option. Sort of a total pain being in an apartment though. Anyway between the tanks, my fish are...
  5. B

    EMERGENCY Can a 3 day blackout cause issues?

    Before I start, I would like to say I kind of hate using the word emergency here but it is time sensitive and blackout as in controlled, not a power outtage In my tank I have a very big Dino outbreak. I did a massive clean last night of siphoning the sand and cleaning off the rocks and glass...
  6. noober

    Kenya Tree Losing Tissue

    I've had this Kenya Tree in the tank for over a month now its its been completely healthy until recently. These small holes appeared on its trunk and had some white particles in it. We cleaned it off and did a fresh water dip as recommended by our local reef store. The white particles are gone...
  7. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Tank crash, ICP test, and New Build

    Long story short my tank crashed, I found my nero pump controller sitting in my sump (photos below). I immediately did an icp test find results below. I’ve been doing several waterchanges and running carbon between the crash to now. As per my icp test is it safe to assume the metal in the tank...
  8. Gonj

    Tank Crash, Icp test, and new set up

    Long story short my tank crashed, I found my nero pump controller sitting in my sump (photos below). I immediately did an icp test find results below. I’ve been doing several waterchanges and running carbon between the crash to now. As per my icp test is it safe to assume the metal in the tank...
  9. GraveKone

    Need urgent acan help

    Just got home from work today and to my horror I found the choc chip star I bought for my harlequin feasting on my beloved acans. Just looking for help/advice on what to do.It looks like only one polyp was eaten. Will the polyp grow back or is it just gone and if it can grow back what should I do?
  10. A

    EMERGENCY Angelfish sick

    Hi! Can anyone identify the issue here? My Emperors tail went cloudy, and now the cloudy parts seems to be deteriorating. And my Bicolor has this white slime on the side and his skin looks underneath (that could hopefully be an illusion though) they are both new fish, but I haven’t seen any...
  11. AnnaG

    Urchin losing spines- help

    Hi, my urchin has been losing spines, ive just noticed quite a few on the sand bed. I put it down to either he's hungry or possible salinity shock when my ATO put a little bit too much water into the tank (but I think he's hungry). I only just noticed them today, so its still quite new. The...
  12. downonthereef

    Need help with mushroom

    Hi, please see the attached photos, they pretty much explain themselves. From purchase, to arrival via post, to this morning after being in my healthy tank. What do I do? This has ripped itself in half over night?
  13. SaltyShel

    EMERGENCY Stringy thing coming from bottom of maroon clown

    Help please!!! This stringy thing is attached to my clown’s underside, directly under where the middle white line is located on his body. I have a bunch of pictures for y’all. Obviously the string is moving around in the water but it keeps getting longer! It’s got a thick piece at the bottom and...
  14. grynning4fish

    My three year old killed my FOWLR tank with a can of coke.

    I bought a well established Fowlr setup a few years ago and had no problems with it.. that is until my son got curious and wondered if they liked pop. I was able to save 5 out of 6 fish but they are currently crammed in a 15 gallon with 3 other fish and I need to get them into a bigger tank...
  15. K

    Marine Velvet, Ich, Flukes, Brook or other

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  16. simonhill55

    Radion G4/Reeflink Issue

    Hello. I got some radion G4 second hand maybe a year ago. I initially set them up with the connection manager on my Mac. It worked well. A few weeks back, I wanted to change the timing on them. I opened the app that I had previously used and got a java error. I tried reinstalling, but upon...
  17. Timich

    Please help with worm ID. Unique too

    Found 2 of these in my tank. Caught one. Haven't ever seen anything like it before or find anything online since finding it in my tank. Moves like a snake or eel. Redish color with white spots. Anyone have a clue what it could be? Please help. Thanks in advance
  18. Korrupt label

    Is this a baby Shroom? (Baby bounce)

    Just noticed this before heading out. I think I see a green mouth and a tentacle. Here’s the picture of it. Mama is next to it. Thanks!!!
  19. BlakeStew

    Mysterious Creature

    Does anyone have any idea what this creature might be and if I need to remove it from my tank. I haven't seen it actively eating any corals (I have both LPS and SPS) It is completely nocturnal and I can't even attempt to locate it during the day.
  20. GraveKone

    Need urgent help with algae

    As you can see I let my tank go for a few weeks at the worst possible time, I had some hair algae introduced to the tank through the addition of a frag with it, as well as a algae that I can’t recognize which is fuzzy. Any suggestions on how to get the algae under control will be greatly...
  21. Richlard

    My smithi has been in a blocked off cave for a month is this normal?

    My smithi mantis was eating awesome and looked nice and healthy he then started to build a blockade in his cave as many mantis shrimp do to molt I thought he was dead on the end of week 3 so I tried to take it apart and they were wedged in there good! I opened a small crack and stuck the dull...
  22. Y

    Cowfish and box fish with ich?

    Hi all Added a longhorn and box fish 4 days ago and now seem covered in ich. I have regal and powder brown tang which do fine and don't have spots but it must be in the water. I have reef set up so will struggle with copper treatment. All water stats in the green is it just because they have...
  23. downonthereef

    Polyp Bailout

    Hi guys, bad news. One of my Holy Grail torches seems to be deteriorating. His head has almost fully detached and all of his internal filaments are visible. This is the third torch in the same amount of days to do this, there is no sign of brown slime? Searching brown slime disease just brings...
  24. downonthereef

    What has caused this with my euphyllia?

    Does anyone know what may have caused my Torch to do this? He was fine a few days ago, noticed he was somewhat leaning so I righted him and the head facing upwards has just deteriorated
  25. leilanastasia

    EMERGENCY Angelfish laying on side & not swimming , still alive!

    My angelfish (coral beauty) is laying in a hiding spot, still alive and on its side. What do I do to keep her alive, and get her back to health? What is this?