urchin strange

  1. N

    Tuxedo - new top hat and accessories

    My blue tuxedo went on a collecting bender yesterday while I was at work. Came home to find him like this… zoom in /look closely as he managed to get the entire frag and plug on his head in addition to all of the shells. It took some effort to pry it loose, no clue how he was holding it so tightly.
  2. Cantusaurus

    Tuxedo Urchin looks strange, stressed? falls over?

    Hi, so I got a red tuxedo urchin recently (about 4-5 days ago) A TINY one (aquacultured), I had never seen one this small. I acclimated him (admittedly quickly) I wanted to get him into the tank quickly, but I did do a quick drip acclimation. I put him in and he looked great. The next day he...
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