
  1. Yourlocalreefer

    Upgrading from 65g to 100g

    Hello everyone I’m planning to upgrade my 65 gallon tank to a bigger 100g in the next couple months. I have anemones, fish, coral, and inverts in my 65g and was wondering what should I do? I’m debating if I should leave them in there till the cycle is complete or I’m not sure? Any help would be...
  2. R

    Hello 180 Gallon Reef Aquarium

    Hi Everyone, I have had saltwater aquariums for the past 15 years and kept everything from seahorses (in a FOWLR setup) to reef-keeping. I currently have a 46 gallon bowfront reef tank that has been running for the past 8 years. I recently purchased a 180 gallon bowfront (74x24x24) that I will...
  3. Anthrilliel

    Moving from 30 to 70 gallon (probably with the 30 as a sump) stocking list

    I have has my tank for almost a year now and I think it is time to give my scaly friends some more room. I plan on setting up the new tank and cycling it, then slowly add the fish from the 30 to the 70, along with the corals and CUC. This is what I currently have in the tank: I would...
  4. SaltwaterandLime

    Moving up and branching out, need some stocking ideas (long)

    I currently have a 32g fluval flex that at the moment is my only saltwater tank. I've had the one saltwater tank for a little over two years now and multiple planted freshwater tanks for about 10 years. After quite a lot of discussion with the family we have decided to convert or upgrade the...
Reef Kinetics