upgrade lighting

  1. Wuffletoast

    30 Gal tank light upgrade

    I currently have a factory built lid with white LED lights. I added a mesh lid last week and I am now looking to upgrade the lighting this Christmas. I would like to future proof and upgrade now, but have something viable for the moment I decide to add corals. Any and all suggestions would be...
  2. jackalexander

    Upgrading 32g Biocube

    Didn’t want to do it because i’ll probably upgrade in the near future but I can’t stand the stock LED’s on the biocube so I’m going to purchase an AI Prime 16HD Reef LED and the flex arm. That’ll come with an added cost of an ATO and a screen top (don’t want the wrasse to carpet surf). I don’t...
  3. Amanda85

    Help with upgrading lighting please!

    Hi there! New to R2R, havent really posted ever and mostly just browse to learn from others. I’m looking for some input on upgrading my lighting. Currently running a Fluval Marine 2.0 light for my mixed reef tank. I purchased 2 AI Prime HD lights to replace the one. But after watching a video...
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