
  1. V

    Uncommon/Centerpiece: Fish, Inverts, Corals

    Hello!! Been out of the hobby for awhile but want to come back now that I have some funding (wasn’t making much in high school) Looking at AIO aquariums, specifically the IM 50g Lagoon because it’s a decent price for the display size. Now I like being different and really want my tank to stand...
  2. Welltankgoodness

    Unusual Anenome-I need help identifying .

    I purchased this coral as an Anenome, beside I’ve never seen anything like it. What do you think? Anyone have something similar?
  3. NSS

    Mutated Zoa?

    I'm quite new to the reef tank hobby. (About 6 months). Had my ups and downs with different Zoa colonies. In the image you can see a few Cats Eyes polyps and then that blue "thing" below them. It came with the frag and it was tiny when I got it. It is growing though. There is a similar center...