unknown coral

  1. Tomorrow's Waters

    Coral ID? LFS didn’t know what this coral was either.

    Anyone know what this coral is? I picked it up two days ago from my LFS. I asked if they knew what it was. Two people looked at it and both did not know. Seems to be encrusting. Many tiny polyps coming off of the coral. Yellow in color with bright pink mouths. Thanks!
  2. L

    What is this Coral?

    I recently bought this beautiful coral LPS, LFS states he believes it’s called a symphilia, I'm unable to find anything like it online, this beautiful piece is about 5x5 inches fully open, I’ve counted 14 mouths. I knew I had to have it but now unable to find its name.
  3. Azfarsh

    What are these guys?

    Hey! So my friend have me this rock with some coral on it. But I’m not sure what it is. Can someone please identify it for me?
  4. C

    Odd critter on my gsp

    Well I thought I already posted but I’ll try again. Heya! Can anyone help me identify this one? I started a tank a couple weeks ago and wanted to give gsp a shot since I haven’t had any problems with my clowns and my levels have stabled out according to my LFS. The gsp has been doing great for a...
  5. reef4now

    Unknown growth

    I hope someone can tell me what this is. I haven’t introduced anything new to my tank yet these things are sprouting.Any help would be appreciated.
  6. N

    What Kind of Anemone (Rock flower?) is this?

    Hello! Does anyone know what type of anemone this is? It was sold me as a rock flower anemone but after a long search on both the forums here and on the search pages I haven't been able to find what type this is and if it requires special care. His/her tentacles seem to be very short? Is this...
  7. C

    Mystery Torch

    Hello everyone. I was hoping someone could tell me the name of this torch coral. I bought it last week and it's doing great but it bothers me that I don't know the name of it or what it's called in the hobby at least. The LFS that I bought it from says they haven't seen a torch like that before...
  8. reefer7891

    Hello Hello back in hobby after 13 years

    Hi all, Quick info: I was really into reef and plant tanks between 2001-2010. Unfortunately work required me to travel for the next 8 years of my life. Just bought a house and whipped out my old gear. Set up a mixed reef tank that has been running for 2 months. Local Petco shut down so I bought...
  9. SkyDoodles

    Can anyone tell me what this is???

    LFS gave this to me as a mystery frag...well it is a mystery to me for sure...I do t know what it is where is should go or how to take care of it. When I called back and asked her she did t know either...slightly annoyed...
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