
  1. P

    Unknown object in my 25 gal tank

    I came home after being away for a couple days, had family come by and feed everything once a day. This is on my glass, no idea what it is or if it is harmful. It stays in this spot, anyone recognize what this is? You can’t tell in the picture but some parts of it are not stuck to the glass...
  2. Starling541

    To Zoa or Not to Zoa, that is the questions

    Love the variety of colors of Zoas, but the wife has put a hard stop on bringing ANY livestock that has a toxin in them into the house. I’ve tried to make a reasonable case that with care and protection, “toxic” livestock are no-more dangerous than the DrainO under the sink. All efforts have...
  3. K

    Can anyone ID this

    I have these white filaments all over the tank. Also have a vermetid outbreak that I am treating with bumblebee snails and manual removal. Alk is 10.5, salinity 1.025, phosphates, nitrates and pH are I in normal limits. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  4. Linoss17


    I started to notice some of this clear white stuff growing on my rocks can anyone tell me what it is?
  5. afamuz

    White stringy thing?

    Hey guys, 6 week old tank and i noticed a stringy white thing that’s attached on my rock. Any ideas what it is and what’s causing it?
  6. E

    Weird algae?

    So a buddy of mine started a reef tank with fish after seeing mine for a while. They made a mistake and somehow something toxic got into the water. He gave me the dying stuff to see if I could save it. Most of the stuff was too far gone and everything died. I kept the corals incase they may be...
  7. C

    Blue worm/ shrimp looking thing

    Cleaned out my HOB filter today and found this guy on the filter. Never seen anything like it before. Currently the tank has a six line wrasse, a diamond goby, and a couple hermit crabs. Tank is 29g also, any idea of what it could be?

    I don't know what this is... coral/critter?

    So, I noticed these kinds of white bulbs popping up a bit back and I took a closer look at it this evening and noticed it's starting to develop neon green. I like to let my tank go all natural and really thought nothing of it when it first started appearing. Now, I'm curious about what it is or...
  9. R

    Unknown type of snail

    Yesterday I picked up a tiny shell on the beach, thought it was empty. Carried it in my hand an hour, rinsed it with fresh water and then it was in a plastic bag for like the next 8 hrs. When I got home, I took it out & was looking at it & thought wow, what is that red inside? I touched it with...
  10. E

    Coral ID please

  11. M

    What is this growth?

    I have this grey green branching growth all over my rocks, glass and inside the filter. It blows of into a cloud of white debris with a squirt of water. This is relatively new and the tank is 9 months old. In the picture, it’s growing on my temp sensor. Fish and corals seem happy. Because of...
  12. L

    Coral-esque branchlike growth

    I hunted around the hitchhiker and critter I.D. forums for a while now and haven’t seen anything like this, if it’s there and I missed it I apologize. I turned off the blue light for this picture, critter in question is to the right of the little gsp clump. Antler looking thing started from...
  13. wvfeefkeeper80

    Strange and Spawning

    Was chilling in front of the tank this morning and observed some spawn being released. At first I thought it was brittle stars spawning which I’ve seen them do before. When I looked closer I saw a small round critter, with antenna, and these two pink protrusions where the spawn was being...
  14. wvfeefkeeper80

    Unknown and unmoving

    I noticed this on the rear of my tank last week while doing a water change. At first I thought it was a snail. This week, still there and no movement. Is this just something stuck my tank or something growing?
  15. E

    help, I don't know what this is

    I saw this weird-looking thing earlier today, it's clinging to my wall and isn't moving,(it looks like a yellow sea cucumber. does anyone know what it could be? is it a Aiptasia?
  16. wvfeefkeeper80


    I’ve reviewed and searched for an answer but haven’t successfully located what I’m looking for. I purchased a number of frags and a cabbage rock from my local shop. I noticed, what I thought, was bubble algae on a frag, but when I went to manually remove it, I found the spheres to be very firm...
  17. SaltyShel

    What is this?

    I was vacuuming some cyano out of my tank last night, so I got the hose into the sand bed really well in an attempt to rectify the previous owners (and my dads while he had it for 6 months) long term neglect…. i don’t know where this came from, but I saw it sticking up out of the sand, so I...
  18. N

    Hitchhiker on Trochus Snail?

    Been having some algae problems in the last few weeks but got my Trochus Snail. But in the last day or so i just noticed this odd thing on the back of it. None of the other’s have it. Anyone have a good guess? And if so should i remove it?
  19. WheatToast

    What on earth are these?!

    They look like limpets or chitons the size of pinheads, attached to my refugium’s glass pane, but they jitter and have pulsating appendages like isopods. What do you guys think? Below: location of pulsating appendages, circled in red.
  20. WheatToast

    Which Brown Macroalgae Is This?

    This sprung up in my old temperate build several months ago out of nowhere (likely from a spore). It has grown slowly, yet steadily ever since. I would assume it hitchhiked on some North-Pacific seaweed.
  21. A

    EMERGENCY Growth on coral skeleton. Tissue shrinkage.

    Hello, I noticed one of my corals looking a little sad today. I took a closer look at it and found some white growth on the skeleton. Some have a tube like structure, but it doesn’t look calcified or hard. I took a couple pictures of it. Any ideas of what it is/ how to save this guy. It...
  22. WheatToast

    What is this black stuff on my dry base rock?

    I found this black stuff on a new piece of CaribSea South Sea Base Rock (it came out of the box a few days ago and has never entered my aquarium). It does not scrub off and appears to be encrusted on the rock. Should I worry about it?
  23. E

    What on earth is this?!?!

    This stuff has been growing on my corals and on my rocks and I literally have never seen it before ever, can someone ID this weird stuff for me?
  24. E

    Unknown white fizzy things

    I keep finding these white fuzzy type things all over my rocks and I’m concerned about what they are, hopefully you can tell what they are in the pictures, if not I will try and take better photos
  25. P

    Is this a hydroid?

    Is this something I should worry about?