united kingdom

  1. attiland

    Hello Never too late to say hello (UK Leicester)

    Hi All, I have never said hello however I am here for a while and in my own little ways contributed in the forum. I like to do things in a reversed order sometimes ;) Aren’t all IT like that? So Hello to you all and a special hello to those I never had the opportunity to interact here yet. I...
  2. attiland

    Warm weather affects on LPS

    Hi all, just wondering if you have noticed any changes due to the warm weather. I am living in the UK and the last week or so was really warm in UK standards. I have no chiller as the high temperatures rarely last longer than a couple of days. The temperature in the tank gone up to 28C in my...
  3. leotigris

    Build Thread New Fluval 123 Marine

    I’m a beginner to marine and look forward to learning and enjoying the hobby. I have kept cold water and tropical for many years, this is the first time I’m doing saltwater. I feel like a bit of a cheat on the build thread as the tank has been going for a little over 3 weeks now. Setup Fluval...
  4. Tony Thompson

    New to R2R

    Hi my name is Tony Thompson and I live in the North East of England. I have been keeping Aquariums on and off for some 30 years. A large part of that time was spent breeding and keeping Lake Tanganyika Chiclids. Over the last 3 years I have turned my attention to keep Marine Aquariums. After...
Aqua SD