unidentified creature

  1. John.Thompson

    Bizarre Egg/Parasite. Identify!

    I was cleaning the tank and come across and bizarre creature/egg on the inside crevices of my powerhead. Looking for some identification and guidance. Cleaned them out with hot water, frag dip, and some scrubbing. Tank Critters: I have blue leg hermits, emerald crabs, turbo snails, tiger sea...
  2. B

    Small creature identification? What is this?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is. I’ve never seen anything like it in any of my systems before. It’s mostly transparent and is stuck to the glass. It appears to have tentacles that it uses to feed from the water column. It’s very small, maybe the size of a...
  3. NSS

    Unknown Life Form

    Can someone help indentify the item I circled in yellow? It has grown from nothing to this within about 10 days. It is super hard like a shell and I cannot get if off the rock with normal tweezers. I would have to use more force I think. (Don't want to bother it further until I know if it is...