
  1. H

    Polyp extension very nice!!!

    IDK what coral this is but the polyp extension has been super great and wonder if it will explode even more. I’m thinking it’s a stylo but haven’t found any close to this coloration. purple with blue rings and yellow polyps. Would like to frag this as well
  2. Trenox

    Local Fish Store sold me "Spiny Urchins," what species is this?

    Hey all, created an account just to ask this. A few weeks ago I bought some urchins from my local fish store; The owner referred to them as "Spiny Urchins" informally, with the actual label on the tank being "Long-Spine Urchins (Diadema spp.)." They had red and greenish-black color variations...
  3. Idaknow15

    Eggs? Sponge? Other?

    Hi all, Spotted this tonight on the “dark side” of my tank and no idea what it could be?! Looks like a spider egg sack but I can’t find anything similar online to tell me what it could be. Just wondering if it should stay or go but it’s on one of my lowest rocks so will be a faff to remove if...
  4. A

    Black looking thing growing on rock

    Any idea what this might be? Should i worry?
  5. WheatToast

    Strange Spiked Growths

    I have absolutely no clue what these things are. They came on some LFS live rock, which I believe originated from the Indo-Pacific. They have no holes, feel quite tough, do not bend, and have small “tufts” on their spikes. They also do not appear to have grown since I introduced them a few weeks...
  6. H

    Found these on my glass today

    Found these and there’s a few on my glass, anyone know what they are?
  7. M

    Friend or foe

    A couple of months ago I noticed what I though was a zoa polyp from a previous zoa growing on my rock work. There was a green circle that glowed under blue light like the zoas used to so I was quite happy to have it growing back. I thought nothing of it but to my surprise, a few more of the...
  8. Carebearsss.x

    Unidentifiable Zoa

    Hello everybody! Yesterday my boyfriend and I went up to our LFS and decided to buy some corals!! (Exciting Right!?!) Anyways while we were there, we seen these BEAUTIFUL Zoas that both my boyfriend and I couldn’t identify! We asked one of the workers what the name was, & he couldn’t...
  9. ethanbear111

    Weird purple brown anemone

    I found this weird anemone with a brown foot/stem and purplish blue tipped tentacles. It was on some Indonesia ocean cultures live rock. The rock has been there for about four days and when I looked at the anemone earlier it was small, just now it became bigger. A smaller one