unhappy coral

  1. LeleganceCoral

    Candy cane (trumpet) not happy for months!

    I have had this trumpet for a long time, originally in a pretty low light 5 gal, until about a year ago i moved it to the big tank. Was happy for the first couple months but its condition has slowly deteriorated after a magnesium spike, and magnesium is still a bit high. Moved it to 60 par low...
  2. LeleganceCoral

    EMERGENCY Help! Lepto is not happy and has white spots!

    I have had this lepto for around a month now and moved it about two weeks ago for more flow, i know the lepto got bothered while i was handling it, and some algae was on it, i figured it would improve, but it isn’t. There are now also some strings of white on them around the parts where skeleton...
  3. Fishrocker1

    Unhappy LPS and Zoas during fallow period

    Hey Guys, I recently set up a qt tank to deal with an ich outbreak in my Red Sea 250. Since then I've noticed that many of my Lps corals such as my torches and trachyphyllia have not been extending their polyps nearly as far as they have in the past. My zoas have also been affected with many of...
  4. lucyretz

    Ready to give up :(

    Let me preface this by saying i’m not trying to be a downer. i’m just so incredibly frustrated. We have a redsea 250 packed with euphyllia (mainly, some other Lps as well). I’m going to try to give everyone as much information on this tank as literal possible because i cannot find the definite...
  5. Diveks

    Can’t seem to keep softies happy

    Hello, so this tank is almost a year old now and I can’t seem to keep softies happy after the 6 month mark. Im not sure what is wrong because sps is growing really well. The zoas were closed and the mushrooms were shrinking. I decided to give around $100 worth of softies to a friend that just...
  6. Reefing_Engineer

    Mushroom problems

    Hi all, I have this random mushroom I bought as a starter coral and it has not been doing well recently. It has been shriveled up even though I have a ricordia right next to it that is loving life! Here’s a picture of something strange I saw when I tried to target feed it yesterday, it looks...