
  1. Petrichor

    Red Macro Algae Turning White

    I recently downgraded my tank and after a few months I've noticed that my red sea lettuce (?) has not colored up since the move. It appears to be slowly growing, but very pale. My dragons' breath algae is doing well and I've had it for less time. I assume the change may be because of the new...
  2. AnnaG

    Ulva is dark and dying??

    Hey everyone, Im a bit new still to reef keeping and I had a query about my ulva macro algae. I have a 18 gallon tank with a torch coral and a few snails - no fish, as my two clowns died in my hospital tank a few days ago :( due to ammonia spike. My issue with macro algae is that is seems...
  3. DropInTheOcean Matthew

    how do I seed my ATS with this Ulva algae that everyone is talking about?

    Approximately 18 hours ago I seeded my ATS with GHA, as it was all I had growing in my refugium other then Chaeto. and there has already been significant growth. its incredible! however, every time I research ATS I hear everyone talking about Ulva algae... I would love to know how y'all are...
  4. aquatic engineer

    Fish to eat sea lettuce

    Hi Everyone, I'm fairly new to the saltwater side of the hobby and have a 125g mixed reef tank that has been up and running since January. I like to engineer things and geek out on equipment, so I spent 3 months designing everything before the build. That said, I've had really good luck so...
  5. DeepBlueSomething

    Macro ID? Addition of Ulva as well

    Photo of algae from my sump. Backstory - chaeto didn't grow well. This popped up in DT few strands and began to spread slowly. I moved the rock with this on it to sump since it was obviously happy with my parameters. It has grown consistently however, nitrates remain high. Added ulva from...
  6. Wrasse-cal

    Who has ulva in stock?

    algaebarn, live-plants.com and reefcleaners all are out of stock on ulva. Anyone know a good source? @reefcleaners, @AlgaeBarn Thanks
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