ultra reef

  1. Salina

    Skimmer: Royal Exclusive or Ultra Reef ?

    Hi fellow reefers, I run currently a Deltec 1000i on my 110g tank. I am struggling to get constant results in skimmate, as the Deltec needs frequent cleaning and doesn't really pull out much stuff. Never got dark stuff out, it doesn't even smell. I have a high bioload with many fish and my...
  2. Muffin87

    What skimmer for 50G heavy bioload with automatic filter roller

    I have a 50G where I mostly keep LPS and tubastrea. But I wanna keep NPS soft corals (i.e. red finger gorgonian) later down the road, so I'd consider this a heavy bioload 50G. ;DeadCurrent setup and problem. Originally, I only used a skimmer for mechanical filtration so I got an oversized one...
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