ugly tank

  1. F

    How long does the Ugly Stage Last?

    Hello all, just want to know a couple of things. How long does the ugly stage last? I know there's now miracle product to skip the whole ugly stage but is there something to help speed it up or make it less ugly or troublesome? Should I clean all the algae that my tank is producing during...
  2. LEOreefer

    Let's see those cycling tanks

    Far to often you get to see these beautiful tanks showcased (As they should be ) , this might give the false impression that anyone can have a reef like that in just a few months. The purpose of this thread is to highlight the tank uglies and to show what it really takes to achieve a beautiful reef
  3. want2bsleepy

    Nano Build 29 Biocube Re-vamp

    Our poor, sad biocube has struggled it's whole life of 2 years. It has gone through every thing, including a crash, but has never looked good. It currently is a hair algae haven. I feel like we have slightly given up on it; it looks the worst it ever has. We are really good with larger tanks...